One reason that obesity should be classified as a chronic multifactorial disease is due to the complex multifactorial aetiology causing a chronic progressive disease. For decades, there has a been a large debate regarding whether obesity is caused by eating behaviour or the obesogenic environments...
Introduction With the recent country-wide legalization of marijuana in Canada, the recreational and medical use of marijuana is becoming more frequent. Marijuana is known to have many different effects ranging from pain relief to temporarily inducing anxiety. There are many uncertainties about its effect on...
Marijuana, or cannabis, is a psychoactive drug that alters the mind. It is a harmful substance that heightens perception and affects the mood of individuals due to its main ingredient, THC. Recreational cannabis has been legal in Canada since the passage of the Cannabis Act...
Everyone cares for their body and hygiene, as one should, especially when your exposure to bacteria is 100% and 27×7. Now, imagine taking your soap, and tiny untraceable bacteria are partying on your soap. Bacteria are both friendly and harmful, thus, giving a thought to...
Drug abuse amongst teens is a real vexing problem. There’s no doubt that substance abuse and delinquency have a positive correlation. That’s why nearly every city or town has encountered some type of teen drug abuse problem. Self- reports indicate that nearly 50 % of...
Learning D.A.R.E was interesting and fun. Through the D.A.R.E program, we are learning to make good decisions, avoid violence, and most importantly, be drug-free. Therefore, it is so important to stop young people before they start. What I learned in D.A.R.E was not only not...
“Breast-feeding is the process of feeding a mother’s breast milk to her infant, either directly from the breast or by expressing (pumping out) the milk from the breast and bottle-feeding it to the infant.” The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusively breast-feeding a baby for...
Introduction In this paper there will be important key topics to talk about. STD’s or sexual transmitted diseases. Millions of people around the world suffer from STD’s. An STD is an infection transmitted by a form of sexual contact that are caused by bacteria, viruses,...
Introduction People in today’s society are very quick to do things, without realizing all the different kinds of consequences their actions bring. Whether it’s buying a car, having a drink, or having an entire meal from McDonald’s. Along with that, people are also very quick...
By nature, mothers feed their newborn by breast milk. In the past, they even had to ask for their neighbors if they did not have enough milk. Later with the development of science, infant formula was invented to do the same job as human milk....
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One study shows one-third of U.S children and teens eat fast food every day. Children see on average, 3.5 TV ads per day for fast food, and teens see about 4.7. That is not counting the ads on social media platforms, radio shows, billboards or...
What is anorexia you may be asking. Anorexia is a lack or loss of appetite for food, and it is an emotional disorder characterised by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. It is a major problem faced by many countries worldwide...
Psychological disorders are more commonly diagnosed in today’s society. Years ago, a psychological disorder was easily overlooked. In today’s society, it is easier to tell if someone has a psychological disorder because of all of the research that has been done throughout the past few...
There are many things in life we need for survival. Many of us know Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The first step in life that we need in order to reach the top of the hierarchy is the psychological needs. This includes food, water, and other...
Within the three years that I have been attending Wilfrid Laurier University, I have noticed that there is a tremendous amount of pressure when it comes to drinking, and with these pressures may come some negative outcomes. With that being said, there are a lot...
The discussion of the drinking age should not be controversial. Having the drinking age set at 21 years old is a no brainer and absolutely crystal clear. Consuming alcohol is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. “Alcohol causes blurred vision, slurred speech,...
Background The legal age limit for drinking has been a matter of debate over the years that focuses on determining the right age for responsible drinking behavior considering its high addiction rates. All 50 US states now have their Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) set...
Introduction: Obesity in children in the US and Canada is on the rise, and never ending because new parents or parents with experience, either way tend to ignore what is happening with their child. Background: A study at UCSF tells us that “A child with...
An epidemic is sweeping through the developed world, threatening millions with disability and death. Is it the dreaded Ebola virus? No, it is obesity. According to The World Health Organization “ ‘Epidemic’ may sound exaggerated, but the facts speak for themselves: 154 million people worldwide...