Emergencies and natural disasters can strike at any time, anywhere. Added to the list of natural disasters like floods, fires, and hurricanes is a growing list of tragedies orchestrated by man. According to an infographic shared by the Business Insider, states with a low risk...
Executive Summary We analyzed both the American Red Cross (the case company) and the Equal Justice Initiative (the exemplar company). We looked to see whether the organizations were aiming their strategies to obtain peace, justice, and strong institutions from the United Nations’ sustainable development goals....
Introduction The International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) is an organization which operating activities are filled with unpredictability and urgency, that many of the fundamentals that apply to normal business supply chains do not fit as readily. It is hard to find a prototype that...
Introduction The visual text is an advertisement enticing the reader to donate blood. It was composed by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. The purpose of this advertisement is to inform and persuade the intended audience of healthy Australians over the age of 18 years...
Introduction Climate change is a controversial issue which is discussed by people globally. Greenhouse gases continue to rise, which leads to global warming causing long-lasting changes to our climate system. Indeed, most of the countries in the world are experiencing firsthand the drastic effect of...
Introduction The report is based on the information about one of the well known humanitarian organization which is called as Red Cross Australia. It was founded in 1914. It will discuss about the purpose of the humanitarian aid. Moreover, also tells about the aim and...
According to www.redcrossblood.org more than 41,000 blood donations are needed every day. The Red Cross blood program started in 1914. Blood is in high demand around the world today to keep citizens well and healthy. In 2001, it was calculated that there was 14 million...
Clara Barton Outline Introduction Introduction to Clara Barton and her childhood aspirations Early Life and Education Background information on Clara Barton’s family and upbringing Clara’s education and early exposure to geography and battlefield knowledge Clara Barton’s Impact on the Civil War Clara Barton’s contributions as...
In my research below I will be comparing two different types of businesses. The first one will be a profit organization ”Apple Inc. ” and the other one is a non-profit organization ”American Red Cross”. The reason for my research was to develop my own...
Introduction In today’s world, every people and organization are connected to each other to communicate and exchange data via the internet. Without a question, the internet has made our lives supportive and capable. In any case, the introduction of the information to cyber-attacks has extended...