The idea of taking photographs to let people see new places around the world sounded like a dream job to me. I started a list of places I wanted to photograph around the world and hung it on my wall. Never actually thinking I would...
Can you imagine walking over the sky by your own feet? Flying like a bird and the laying in between clouds is one of a dream we have in kids. And now we can enjoy an equal place by visiting Grand Canyon. Earlier it was...
There are a ton of different religions around the world. Some are mainstream and are well known by the rest of the world. However, some are more hidden and are waiting to be discovered. Regardless of what any personal belief is of the individual studying...
The Incan empire is often referred to as one of the last strongholds of the native population of South America before there was an influx from Europe of a newer civilization with their own ways of life, customs, and religions. Machu Picchu city – this...
August 14, 1945: a day of victory and celebration for the Allied Nations as the Japanese declare their much-awaited unconditional surrender. After over half a decade of conflict, the announcement that signified the end of the devastating war gave a sense of relief, happiness, and...
Time Square is an iconic landmark in New York and one of the busiest tourist attractions in the world, with a 39 million visitors every day, located in the hearth of Manhattan, stretches from West 42nd to West 47th Streets. It is a major commercial...
Pyramids have been a great fascination since time immemorial. The reason being, their construction is impeccable – at a time, when there were no machines to aid with precision. Why, even the tools used by humans had not been developed to any great extent –...
Imagine this, you book a trip to one of the most wonderful National Parks in the world. Well that National Park is, Niagara Falls. When you arrive, you will see the tallest waterfall in Northern America. Niagara Falls is a huge waterfall that borders the...
Many places on this planet keep fascinating many of us with their beauty and grand power that nature has offered them. And one such beauty that people visit time and time again to view, is the Niagara Falls, situated in the border of the United...
The Inca empire lasted from 1438 to 1533 CE and was the largest civilisation in the world at the time. It was located in modern day Peru and was one of the fastest expanding empires. With the help of many strong rulers such as Sapa...
Machu Picchu
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But even we couldn’t hide from a satellite, and eventually, Pocklebridge appeared on maps. Sat navs could find it through its post codes. People still had no reason to come here, so for a time, it didn’t really matter. We kept on with our little...
The Burj Khalifa building in Dubai has tested and re-defined the way architects design tall buildings with regard to Wind engineering. In this essay I will be looking at how the design and testing of wind engineering techniques changed the design and construction of the...
Every town has that haunted house worth writing an essay about. Old. Gloomy. Creepy. It sits amongst trees that are dead, standing over an overgrown yard. Shutters swing in the breeze, hanging on by rusted hinges. The paint has chipped away. More shingles lie amongst...
Introduction Samsung C&T Corporation was established as Samsung Group’s parent company in 1938. In 1975, it was named to lead overseas sales operations by the Korean government as the ‘first general trading firm’ for the country. In December 1995, it merged with Samsung Construction, and...
Easter Island stretches over an area of 64 square miles in the South Pacific Ocean, and is located about 2,300 miles from Chile’s west coast and 2,500 miles east of Tahiti. Known as Rapa Nui to its earliest inhabitants, the island was christened Paaseiland, or...
Burj Khalifa is an Arabic word which can be called in English ‘khalifa Tower’ (The tower of khalifa) recognized as the Burj “Dubai” earlier it was announcement in year two thousand ten, is a tall building in the city Dubai, UAE. With a complete stature...
Hundreds of years ago a small group of Polynesians decided to row out across the vast ocean sea in their wooden canoes only with the knowledge of stars and ocean swells to help guide them. Why these people left their native home and for what...
Ancient sites are an integral part of our society. Not only do they provide us with crucial insights about past events that occurred but give us a greater understanding of how communities lived their everyday lives. In order for us continue to appreciate these Ancient...
Introduction Many monuments have been built since the beginning of Egypt’s civilization ,however, some of the most important monuments are the Pyramids of Giza. There are three different pyramids that help people explore three different Pharaohs: Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. These monuments make an important...