Intangible resources are non-physical assets (for example trademarks, licenses, copyrights, and goodwill, patents) that give the potential for specific rights and benefits and additionally the likelihood for monetary advantages to the proprietor. The monetary advantages might be productive or transient depends upon the idea of...
The Trade Mark Office across the globe, including in India, has granted recognition to trademarks with immense international reputation and transborder recognition. This was the case in Christian Louboutin SAS v. MR. Pawan Kumar & Ors., where the defendant, engaged in the business of selling...
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Spielberg is a director who uses his own likings and funky elements in his films. Throughout the semester we viewed plenty of Spielberg’s movies with the technological aspect, which ultimately was seen throughout the film. He liked to add the futuristic elements in his films...
The United States Patent and Trademark Office approved a patent that was filed by Mastercard allowing customers to link cryptocurrencies to fiat accounts. Mastercard had applied for a patent way back in May, to allow the card holders to store cryptocurrencies equivalent to fiat currency...
It was indeed an oppoɾtunity foɾ me to visit “Amity Univeɾsity of Oɾganic agɾicultuɾe” and pɾepaɾe a pɾoject ɾepoɾt on the same duɾing the pɾogɾamme BSc. Agɾicultuɾe and Food Business (Sem.III). I have leaɾnt many inteɾesting things about this topic, which is based on secondaɾy...
Ms. Justice Gupta, departing from the earlier decision of the Delhi High Court in Time Incorporation v. Lokesh Srivastava, refused to award punitive damages in the case Christian Louboutin SAS v. MR. Pawan Kumar & Ors. The plaintiff, Christian Louboutin SAS, holds a trademark that...
Introduction Plaintiff is the registered proprietor of the trademark ‘Officer’s Choice’. The mark has been used by the plaintiff since 1988, and the plaintiff obtained registration in 2007. In 2013, the plaintiff discovered that the defendant had started selling whiskey under the trademark ‘Collector’s Choice’....