Understanding the Core Message In the fast-paced world of advertising, brands are constantly looking for ways to connect with younger consumers. Starbucks, a giant in the coffee industry, recently launched its "It Starts With You" campaign aimed specifically at this demographic. This initiative is not...
Violence among teenagers has become a growing concern for parents, educators, and the community at large. The media is inundated with stories of teenage violence, from school shootings to gang-related incidents. This trend has raised important questions about the root causes of such behavior and...
Special needs refer to a range of conditions that require additional support or accommodations to help individuals reach their full potential. As an educator, it is important to reflect on how we can best support students with special needs in the classroom. This reflection can...
Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, and teenagers are no exception. In today’s digital age, mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and navigate the world. While some may argue that teenagers should not have mobile phones...
The 1950s was a decade of significant social and cultural change, particularly for American teenagers. This period marked the emergence of a distinct teen culture, characterized by rebellion, music, fashion, and a newfound sense of freedom. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects...
The 1989 film “Do the Right Thing” directed by Spike Lee has been praised for its portrayal of racial tensions in a Brooklyn neighborhood during a hot summer day. One of the standout characters in the film is Buggin Out, a young Black man who...
Culture refers to the processes by which the symbolic systems (“usual way of doing things”; traditions and rituals, frameworks for understanding experience, etc.) shared by a group of people are maintained and transformed across time. Despite the appearance of stability, culture is a dynamic, historical...
Discipling the youth is one of the most challenging ministry in the churches today because their worldview, whether they are aware of it or not, is highly shaped by the media technologies. When I was young until I enrolled in the university for my college...
Raves are all night parties attended by youths aged from 14-25; they are made up of DJs playing loud electronic music normally generated by computers. Raves first emerged in the mid-1980s in Britain as after parties when clubs were closed. Since then, raves have gained...
The Underground is an umbrella term for a variety of subcultures, who are not, or do not want to be, associated with the mainstream. Their characteristics include locality, personal connections with their audiences/members, open mindedness, intimacy, and, most importantly, a DIY (do-it-yourself) work ethic. The...
My involvement with the Boy Scouts organization began at an early age. I began in the lower of the Scout divisions: Cub Scouts. However, the most important skill I learned was the importance of community service. The first application of community service that I learned...
I believe that Boy Scouts helps build character and certain skills and values that help you in life. Despite being a bit tedious, I believe that boys should join Boy Scouts because it helps create leaders that have the potential to world leaders like President...
The greatest wealth and strength of any nation is its youth. The future of a nation lies in the hands of its posterity. The quality of its youth determines the kind of future, the nation will have. Therefore, if we want to ensure a bright...
I genuinely believe that youths are change agents when it comes to shaping the future of the world. As a tech-savvy generation, youth leaders can create social movements that can drive vital change. Young adults can engage in the issue by using different approaches. Made-to-order...
Americans have been following celebrities for a long time. In recent decades, though, rapid advances in technology have brought us more celebrity exposure than ever before. Celebrity culture is harmful to youth because it gives extreme power to ordinary people, causes a disconnect from reality...
Abstract When children and adolescents are suffering from mental illness, behavioral health concerns, or substance abuse issues, the treatment they receive to overcome these problems must be introduced in a manner that is different than how it is addressed with adults. However, years down the...
A person’s natural language could change according to their age and surroundings. In the Middle Ages, languages may not have changed the way they do today. Age is one of the variables the sociolinguistic takes into account because from the moment speakers are socialized to...
As diverse as The United States is, it is very much divided. This separation is apparent in multiple aspects of society. This is why it is important to bridge the gap for societal advancement. “Why America Is Self-Segregating” by Danah Boyd, “The Other Side Is...
Introduction A nation’s success depends not only on their buildings, modernist public services, high-tech industries, but also on its value-adjusted framework in line with a civilized country. There needs to be a social transition in terms of changes in behavior and quality systems to attain...
Introduction This essay will analyze the relationship between youth and crime and how young people have come to be treated as a threat. The notion that portrays youth behavior as troublesome or a threat to society and themselves creates moral panic about youth crime and...
Abstract In Bangladesh, there are around 30 percent of the total population is youth (Haque & Karim, 2018). Undoubtedly, youths are the valuable assets of a country. But, if they take the wrong route in life, they may turn into severe liabilities too. Khera (2002)...
Introduction In today’s society, vaping has become a prevalent trend among young individuals. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 37% of 12th graders reported vaping in 2018 (Shmerling, 2019). These statistics are concerning, considering the limited knowledge we...
Introduction Stereotypes are preconceived notions or beliefs about a particular group of people, often based on limited information or biased perspectives. Teenagers, being a distinct demographic group, are no exception when it comes to societal stereotypes. This essay aims to explore and debunk some of...