The thoughts and beliefs related to human sexuality and healthy sexuality are significantly different when comparing the views of man (secular) against those presented in the biblical concepts. As time continues to pass these two mindsets become increasingly further apart. One school of thought teaches...
Since our independence, we came to a long way. At the same time our perception and behavior has changed a lot. After our independence, we were mostly dependent on foreign products due to lack of resources. But as we moved forward we developed our own...
According to the article written by Winkelman (1994), cultural shock is an all-round experience resulted by various factors in which in contact with other culture. The reactions of culture shock may lead to psychological or physical disorder if it obstructs our performance. Having the awareness...
The “Method” chapter of Foucault’s history of sexuality, characterizes his views of power. Foucault reprimands the constraints of the “juridico-discursive” origination of power, which considers power to be something at last practiced to command, subdue, or to leave a subject submissive. Foucault considers power to...
We all have emotions – both positive and negative. They control you physically and psychologically. Emotions can control how we behave, act and think. So we think it’s easier that we suppress how we feel, but to express them in a healthy, sensible way. The...
Every individual possess the tendency to misbehave at one point or another in their life but it could be controlled and reduced to its minimal point if certain precautions are observed. Continue reading to learn how to naturally behave yourself in public as I would...
Early childhood can create many challenging issues with behaviors in young children, this can range in many forms that can include verbal and/or physical problems that may arise due to children who are unable to use their words or control their impulses. In order for...
Procrastination is something that a lot of research and studies have indicated is on a rise in today’s times. Moreover, Hussain and Sultan (2011) studies have shown that nearly 46% to 95% of the students enrolled in universities procrastinate while completing their assignments. With specific...
Introduction to Motivation Motivation is a term inherently linked to the factors that drive and energize human behavior and other organisms. Various meaningful approaches to motivation exist, and one of the most popular is known as drive reduction theory. It states that if an individual...
Moral choices influence every aspect of our lives. They are the foundation of the world’s religions, taught to us by our parents, and an integral part of our public institutions. Bad moral choices affect us all and bad moral actors are all around us. They...
Abstract The following read is a brief, detailed examination on gender aggression and what makes them different from one another. How men and women’s aggressive behavior differ because of how they understand aggression. It is seen as normal and common sense that men are much...
Terror and Meaning Management There are many ways to explain human nature, the good parts of it and the bad. One of a very few commonalities in the human experience is death, as the periods between birth and death differ by culture, social status, location,...
The episode begins with the workers of the Springfield cleaning up an area close to a waterfall from thrash. Homer unwilling to work fakes his death by throwing a dummy of him down the waterfall, which caused everybody else to believe that he died. There...
Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion is that an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest. Newton wasn’t only a mathematician and physicist, but also a natural philosopher, and to this day his first law still applies,...
On the 22nd of July 2011, Anders Breivik, a Norwegian man killed 77 people at a Norwegian labour party. It was a tragic event for Norway, as it is mainly known for its calm and quiet nature. This goes to show that even in the...
The theoretical question that has been posed in this article is whether prosocial private self-schemas and prosocial private self-awareness are predictors of prosocial behavior. The self-schema is believed to play an important role in the regulation of behavior. It is believed that behavior is influenced...
Prosocial behavior defined as action projected to support another person (Eisenberg, Fabes, & Spinrad, 2006). In other words, prosocial behavior has hypothetically and empirically connected to a variety of different actions or activities such as socioemotional (Carlo, Fabes, Laible, & Kupanoff, 1999) and psychological outcomes...
Prosocial behaviour is primarily linked to theories and ideas of helping. It is described as the interaction between helpers and recipients (Hewstone & Stroebe, 2001). Prosocial behaviour can be understood as behaviour that has social consequences that can contribute positively to the well being of...
Imagine standing in front of a room full of hyperactive seven year olds who are all running around and pushing one another. Now imagine that it is your task to silence them, seat them, and teach them the basic rules of subtraction. What would you...