The Space Race left an extensive effect in the field of space travel and led to a whole new advancements into new technologies like Satellite TV, smoke detectors, GPS, The joystick and many other technologies. It also incited many nations to send unmanned spaceships to...
The Space Race! Everyone has heard the brilliant title from your great grandad to your newborn baby. Most just know that it was part of the Cold War and the USA made it to the moon first. However, many don’t look into the importance of...
Many writers of antiquity, like Xenophon, Cato the Elder and others wrote about household and estate management. It is debateable whether wither writings can be used as a practical handbook which may have informed readers of how to run the estate and about slaves. An...
People agree slavery is wrong, but why? Hare suggests there is a danger of taking things as being wrong simply for granted. You can see that in the history of slavery people simply took slavery for granted by allowing it to be normalised within society....
Introduction Slavery. Depictions of shackles, ships, and old-time movies come to mind, but the truth is it did not end with the abolition during the 19th century. Rather, it developed and changed forms to allow for its harmful continuation. According to statistics released by the...
Introduction To delve into the many labor inequalities across the globe we must discover the roots and causes. For first world countries such as the United States, labor inequalities fall under the umbrella of income inequalities as well as a lack of opportunity. Examining the...
In the early hours on 24th February 2022, Thursday, Russia attacked and launched the full-scale ‘Military Operation’ on its neighbor, Ukraine. It wasn’t the beginning of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, but it was the start of wholescale war. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special...
Back in 2014, the Ukrainian citizens in Kyiv began protesting to get their current president, Viktor Yanukovych, out of office. Yanukovych had previously angered the people of Ukraine by rejecting a deal for greater economic integration with the European Union. As the riots and protests...
Crimea Crisis
Modern Warfare
Russia and Ukraine War
Introduction The first Apollo 1 named AS-204 was the first mission of the American Apollo program and it will be the first mission to land on the moon. Arranged as the primary low-Earth circle trial of the Apollo order and administration module propelled by the...
In one way or another every one of us is a victim of the most untransformed policy in this university. To those of you who deny this, comparing to other universities, how diverse is our student body? What about staff diversity? Have you ever paid...
There have been many turning points all throughout history, and they all have had a significant impact on modern society. Turning points have always been a big change in society as for some turning points, society has gone from one way to a completely different...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the Federal Government founded by Dwight D. Eisenhower it is responsible for aeronautics and aerospace research. This event means that they conduct missions and create modules/equipment used to explore outer space and have...
In 1969 Apollo 11, the United States space program landed on the moon. It won the space race against the Soviet Union but did not when the hearts of some people. The landing was a promise made by President John Kenndy; to land on the...
“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. Is one of the most iconic quotes in American history. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Association, has a rich history including the Apollo 11 mission and its astronauts. Apollo 11, the first...
A great man once said ‘That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. People know this man as Neil Armstrong. Armstrong, Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin, and Michael Collins were among the Apollo 11 mission. The Apollo 11 mission had the intent of...
The Legacy of the First World War The first world war was a global conflict, in which the central powers (which included Germany) fought against the allied powers (which included Britain, the United States, France, Italy, and Russia). The allied powers won the war. The...
When engineers took on the task of putting a man in space and on the moon, they knew that there would be an uncountable number of challenges ahead of them. They were breaking new ground but were also creating and discovering everything as they went...
Apollo 1, Apollo 7, Apollo8, Apollo 9, Apollo 10. Everything has led up to this, the Apollo 11 launch. The mission to finally send men to the moon and bring them back safely. Everything was prepared. In the USA at Cape Kennedy, exactly on the...
Islam, the popular and influential communal religion was believed to have begun in Mecca and Medina around the beginning of the 7th century, approximately 600 years after Christianity was founded. Islam stands to yield many believers, which meant that there had to be some way...