Introduction Social media is not inherently pernicious; it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that these tools have facilitated some incredible things such as discovering organ donors and connecting people from opposite sides of the world - positive, meaningful changes. But with the proliferation...
Ryan is a twelve-month-old, brown-haired, brown-eyed, White toddler. He is caucasion with almond-shaped eyes. I met him at a friend’s suburban residence, on 10^(th) February, 2020, where he and she live. I was there between 12 pm. and 6 p.m. at her place. I discovered...
This study aims to investigate whether birth order has any influence on level of self-esteem. A Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale questionnaire was given to each potential participant (n=30) who consent to give their information for research purposes with ensured anonymity in which their identity is protected....
“To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf examines and exemplifies Freud’s ideas about love. “[T]here is nothing more tedious, puerile, and inhumane than [love]; yet it is also beautiful and necessary. Well then, well then? She asked, somehow expecting the others to go on with the...
In A. Lampl`De Groot’s report, he addresses the fact that Freud’s thinking on this complex comes from a long line of research and that this complex is one of the early discoveries of the psychoanalytic theory. He states “Freud found the libidinal relations to the...
Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory Oedipus complex is one of the most influential as well as divisive theories of the twentieth century. Freud coined the term Oedipus complex to refer to a stage in the development of young boys. He felt that in early development, around...
Among many of his radical ideas, ‘Oedipus Complex,’ ‘Repression,’ ‘Unconscious,’ and ‘Dream Interpretation’ are few. Talking about the repression of thoughts Freud argues that every thought or desire that is embarrassing or is against the norms of society, which a person doesn’t allow to come...
Through his work Interpretation of Dreams(1899), Sigmund Freud, the German psychologist and pioneer of psychoanalysis, presents the Oedipus complex. According to his psychosexual analytic theory, children go through a series of psychosexual stages and he draws five essential development stages that arrange in each person...
Introduction Incest is defined as the act of sexual relations between close relatives. This includes parent, child, sibling, or grandchild relations. The specific behavior that classifies sexual relations as incest varies across different cultures and societies. However, nearly all societies consider incest a taboo. In...
Most of the time when reading a theory in the midst of reading it you know that this theory probably isn’t true and it is rare when you can find a theory that is partly true or totally and completely true. When we went over...
Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory and Adlerian Theory Psychoanalytic theory and Adlerian theory were presented to the public within years of each other in the early part of the 20th century. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on unconscious mental processes and the consequent formation of personality, metaphorically organized...
Several scholars have established theories to expound on human development. The basis of each concept is varied and dependent on the theorist’s perception, which might include sexuality, social life, or even intellectual capabilities. This paper will focus on three developmental theories by; Piaget, Freud, and...
According to the human psychology cycle of self-development, there are a few stages. The beginning of the self-development process starts with the date of childbirth. During the Early Childhood period, the kids’ abilities are focused on understanding their life-discovery with prerequisites for evolution. The newborn...
Good Will Hunting is a film about the pronounced relationship between a therapist and janitor, Will Hunting. The film demonstrates egos and how ego can affect people in their daily lives. Will experienced a not ideal upbringing, as he was an orphan. Because of his...
Children and youth as individuals grow and develop differently based on various factors and implications that make them who they are. In discussing the age old debate of nature versus nurture, it is our goal to provide factual information that provides to the understanding of...
Entering adulthood is usually marked with anticipation and enthusiasm for most youth individuals. This is the stage when the individual begins to explore their individuality and their independence; which, can either be positive or negative. Most youth individuals rely on family and other supportive people...
I remember the time when a parent asked me to continue tutoring her seven-year-old son even it was already his summer vacation. I was not able to respond immediately to her request but answered her back by just raising a question. I was thinking that...
Growing up is one of the toughest things in life. We all must path that will help us as we grow older. There would be times when we will not make the right decision which we would later regret in our life for a lifetime....
A person’s’ childhood can be the reason for how they end up in life. This was the case for Jeannette Walls. In the memoir, Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, the Walls’ kids are forced to go through an unconventional childhood. They have to deal with...