Kant believed that for enlightenment to be brought about, the individual would require freedom to think freely for themselves, and the ability to manifest their well-reasoned ideas. A concern arises from this belief; is it always acceptable to allow for people to manifest their reason,...
According to Kant, a good person has morality, freedom, dignity and is accountable for the things they do. Meaning, everything you do whether it is good or bad must have a reason. Acting as humans, there comes a reason and purpose for our choices. From...
Immanuel Kant’s deontological ethical theory, the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, can be viewed from many different perspectives. As it is based on duty operating as a final good, the theory of utilitarianism (a moral theory concerned with actions in themselves) disputes main concepts...
Universal Ethics philosophy states that every decision made is only acceptable if it is applied universally in similar situations. This is also known as the ‘Categorical Imperative’. According to Kant, individual moral commitments are considered categorical imperatives, and these commitments exist for a reason. The...
Immanuel Kant is one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western thought. His ethical theory, grounded in the concept of the categorical imperative, has been the subject of extensive analysis and debate. One of the central tenets of Kant’s moral philosophy is...
Introduction When we consider human beings and what makes us so different from other species on the planet, we see the complexity of our language, our social structures, our high intelligence, and our emotions and ability to have personal relationships unlike any seen within other...
Immanuel Kant’s moral theory essay focuses on the concept of the categorical imperative, which states that moral actions must be done for the sake of duty and not for personal gain. Here we will analyze a moral dilemma story through the perspective of Kant’s concept....
Introduction Immanuel Kant, one of the most active philosophers in the history of Western philosophy, in his famous work Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Moral discusses the idea of ethics and how it can be achieved despite its necessity. In this paper, I plan to...
Volkswagen Fined $1.17 Billion in Germany in Emissions-Cheating Scandal Many companies have suffered because of their leaders’ lack of commitment to goodwill and ethics. This paper will analyze Volkswagen Fined $1.17 Billion in Germany in the Emissions-Cheating Scandal, an article from The Wall Street Journal,...
Capital punishment is defined as the death penalty, as a punishment for a person convicted of committing a heinous crime. This form of punishment is usually reserved for crimes such as murder, but the application of the death penalty varies widely. Execution is most often...
Immanuel Kant
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Lying in engrained into the world’s culture. It has become almost a fundamental in every society and is present nearly everywhere worldwide. But, paradoxically, it is condemned as well. Every major religion, legal statute, and even communal norm advises against telling falsehoods. Philosophers as far...
In his popular book “Perpetual Peace; A Philosophical Sketch”, Kant, a prominent late Eighteenth century German political philosopher, pencils down the possible ways to attain his conception of perpetual peace. For this purpose, he prescribed in his book, six preliminary articles which described the steps...
The dilemma of whether or not the Death Penalty is ethical is major problem facing society today. The death penalty is given to those who commit crimes deemed by society and government as deserving the infliction of death with crimes such as murder earning this...
We all know that people behave in ways that they call moral at least some of the time. Morality is something we practice and discuss, so what’s the best way to try to understand it? In this essay, I am exploring how Kant is trying...
In Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is a text that begs to be understood from some of the philosopher’s more well-known concepts including the categorical imperative, which is introduced in the book as a way of evaluating the motivations for individual action....
A brief definition of Neo-Kantianism is a philosophy that derives from that of Kantian Ethics. “The Neo-Kantians thought of themselves as reviving, defending, and extending Kant’s philosophy. They self-consciously adopted Kant’s vocabulary, and some of his key ideas and arguments”. Some of the thinkers from...
Introduction to Kant’s Project Kant’s project consists in making explicit the limits of human knowledge in general, and this is made explicit in the Transcendental Dialectic section of the Critique of Pure Reason in particular. To make sense of this, we must first consider his...
Immanuel Kant’s philosophy provides a unique perspective on love, intertwining it with duty and morality. He believed that love should not be driven by selfish desires or fleeting emotions but by a deep sense of respect and universal moral principles. This approach challenges conventional ideas...
The phenomenon of morality and its origination has been a topic of debate throughout history. Specifically, the world renowned philosophers, David Hume and Immanuel Kant, come to a very significant disagreement over the history of morality, the source of its origin, and its universality. But,...
A man by the name of John was a technician at a nuclear power plant in the state of Ohio in the USA. During his time working at this power plant, a catastrophic freak accident occurred. During this accident John was present at the power...
Beauty is a part of the human condition; we are attracted to what we find appealing and repelled by what we find unappealing. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, scholars captured this concept and put into words what it means to experience beauty. Immanuel Kant,...
The literary critics Alexander Pope and Immanuel Kant put critics to the test as they perform the task of critiquing critiques. In Pope’s Essay on Criticism, he provides the readers and critics with critique of critics in poetry form which in itself is a work...
Of the many topics in the philosophy of sex is permissible sexuality. Philosophy however sometimes tends to overintellectualize the discussion. What makes sex permissible may not be so strict. Drawing from Immanuel Kant’s humanity formulation, I argue that permissible sex requires only informed and voluntary...
Kant and Hobbes had different understandings of the issue of morality. Kant took a more rationalistic view of morality, while Hobbes was more empirical in this regard. However, both proceeded from a subjective point. The understandings of these two philosophers differ in terms of reason,...
History has showed human being as different colors of skin with different background stories. Every ethnic group had to deal some sort of bigotry views toward them or their life style. What most don’t do is realize that all of us are one as a...
In my opinion, the most important aspect of an ethical theory is its applicability to ‘real life’ ethical dilemmas and situations. Even beyond the obvious intellectual rigor that ethical philosophy demands, the most important test for an ethical theory must be its actual usefulness. It...
When Evan Vokes, a trained engineer, started working for TransCanada in 2007, he realized that there were some issues in his employer’s work ethics and quickly found himself in a moral struggle. TransCanada is one of the largest companies focusing on oil and gas infrastructure...
Kant’s Deontological Ethics focuses morality on objective duties rather than the consequences of actions. One cannot ground morality on emotions since each person has a different reason for feeling certain emotions. For example, if what is moral is determined by happiness, then the thief seeks...
The knowledge about morality that we possess today is a culmination of years of philosophical debate and the development of rigorous theoretical concepts that help us delve further into the different aspects of the same. Such theoretical concepts include utilitarianism and Kantian deontology, which explore...
Early Modern Philosophy reveals some interesting stuff about the nature and power of science and mathematics. Some of the philosopher that talked about this stuff was Descartes in his Meditation, Hume, and Kant. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized...