Open Source Software The term open source refers to software whose source code is freely available on the Internet to the general public for use and modification from its original design free of charge. The term originated in the context of software development to designate...
ABSTRACT: Digital signature methodology provides cryptographic services like entity authentication, authenticated key transmission and authenticated key agreement. A Digital Signature is used to provide authentication, non-repudiation & integrity over the digital data in data exchanged and to validate the recipient for the authorized identity over...
As an emerging product of highly developed modern computer technology, virtual reality technology has drawn great attention from the society since its date of birth. Virtual reality technology is becoming perfecter and perfecter with the aid of computer hardware, software and virtual world integration technology,...
Artificial Intelligence has been in the news a lot lately, from ominous warnings of its future implications from academic leaders like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, to panic around Facebook AI developing its own language. And according to a recent report from the McKinsey Global...
Over the years, since the introduction of Big Data, the amount of data that has been created grew exponentially. Referencing from the graph above, it is evident how exponential the growth of data was; with roughly a 6000% increase in data growth within a span...
Through the use of laser-generated, hologram-like 3D pictures flashed into the photosensitive resin, experts at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, with their academic collaborators{, have uncovered they can build complex 3D parts in a fraction of the right time of traditional layer-by-layer printing. With this process,...
True leadership implies flexibility in terms of vision and strategy. Buzzwords include feedback, performance review, and 360-degree reviews. The focus and main issue with these methods is an emphasis on, what’s not going well with a focus on the past. Feedback typically is dreaded and...
No agreed-to definition of “algorithm” exists. A simple definition: A set of instructions for solving a problem. The algorithm is either implemented by a program or simulated by a program. Algorithms often have steps that iterate (repeat ) or require decisions such as logic or...
Six Sigma is a method used for reducing variation in manufacturing, service or other business processes. The projects measure the cost benefit of improving processes that are producing substandard products or services. It is a statistical method which involves varied business-driven approach and the ability...
Scholars still question the positive and negative effects of the Internet to the society until today. The Internet had always been a great help to the present generation. The population assumes it is the most notable invention man ever created. With the innovation, people all...
Current advancements in technology have resulted in our dependency on machines while accomplishing daily tasks. However, breaches of highly sensitive data have raised awareness that the information that can be accessed online is not safe. Some of these breaches are by human interaction and hence...
Drones refer to aircrafts that are controlled by pilots from the ground following a pre-programmed mission. The different types of drones available worldwide all fall into two categories; those that are used for pre-study purposes and those that are used for purposes of military activities....
The way people share and interact with others has changed significantly. In the past, communication was meaningful and straightforward. Presently, people no longer converse but only share information, and instead of using words, the current generation is using abbreviations, texts, and acronyms. People have come...
This paper, by using information and sources, will describe the work, legend, and contribution of the World Wide Web to the world made by Tim Berners-Lee. The World Wide Web is a central and necessary part of our day-to day lives as of now, and...
In 2005, over 10 million Indians switched online for news or information; web and mobile was the ‘big thing’. With credibility and authenticity ‘Data Journalism’ is the ‘survival’ today in online journalism. Data Journalism is all about the presentation of facts, visuals, and investigations of...
One of the technologies that will potentially bring the greatest impact in the next few upcoming years has arrived. It’s not the social media, it’s not robotics, nor is it A.I, but rather the underlying technology of Cryptocurrency called the blockchain. I believe that this...
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is a huge field. HVAC systems include a range from the simplest hand-stoked stove, used for comfort2 Fundamentals of HVAC heating, to the extremely reliable total air-conditioning systems found in submarines and space shuttles. Cooling equipment varies from the...
Information Technology (IT) and Information Communications Technology (ICT) can have a significant impact on the economic growth of a society. The use of Information Technology such as computers, laptops, etc. in a society can promote rapid growth because it allows the free travel of information...
Introduction “Remember the days when every company had its server room? I certainly do,” remarked John Smith, a veteran IT administrator at Tech Solutions Inc., during our interview. “The constant hum of cooling systems, the endless hardware upgrades… Those days are mostly behind us now,...