Justice is not only an essential human aspiration but also a basic prerequisite for any society to function normally. Justice essay topics are very broad – some of the subtopics found in this category include: social justice, restorative and retributive justice, justice in various literature or pop culture works, justice ...Read More
Justice is not only an essential human aspiration but also a basic prerequisite for any society to function normally. Justice essay topics are very broad – some of the subtopics found in this category include: social justice, restorative and retributive justice, justice in various literature or pop culture works, justice systems in various countries, various topics in criminal justice (e.g. juvenile offending), economic justice, The Youth Criminal Justice Act, environmental justice, etc. Browse through the samples of papers listed here or search by keywords to find an essay on your topic of interest. Read one or more justice essay topics to learn more about the topic and to get some inspiration for writing your own paper.
Hook Examples for Justice Essays
Anecdotal Hook
Step into a courtroom, where the pursuit of justice unfolds before our eyes. As the gavel strikes and decisions are made, the impact of justice reverberates through society. Join me on a journey to explore the complexities and significance of justice.
Quotation Hook
""Justice delayed is justice denied."" These words, attributed to William E. Gladstone, emphasize the importance of timely and fair justice. Let's delve into the profound implications of justice in our world.
Justice and Human Rights Hook
Justice and human rights are inextricably linked. Explore how the concept of justice intersects with the protection of fundamental human rights, shaping our understanding of justice on a global scale.
Historical Perspectives on Justice Hook
Justice has evolved over centuries, often in response to historical events and societal changes. Delve into the historical context of justice, from ancient legal systems to pivotal moments in the fight for civil rights.
Justice in the Legal System Hook
Justice is a cornerstone of the legal system. Analyze the principles and mechanisms that underpin justice in legal proceedings, from the presumption of innocence to the role of juries in delivering verdicts.
Social Justice and Equity Hook
Justice extends beyond legal proceedings to issues of social justice and equity. Investigate how societies address inequality, discrimination, and the pursuit of a more just and equitable world.
Modern Challenges in Justice Hook
Justice remains a pressing concern in the modern world. Explore contemporary challenges and debates surrounding justice, including issues related to criminal justice reform, restorative justice, and access to justice.
In the Oresteia, Aeschylus presents his three books (“Agamemnon”, “The Libation Bearers”, and “The Furies”) so that the narrative progresses from madness and lack of justice in “Agamemnon”, where Clytemnestra receives no penalty for her homicide, to Athena's establishment of a justice system so that...
The United States Supreme Court is made of eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice. The Chief Justice is paid more than the Associate Justices but retains an equal vote to the Associate Justices. The eight associate justices earn a pay of $244,400, while current...
Introduction There have been various effects in Canada’s Juvenile justice system from the time that the juvenile system it has existed, and most recently when YCJA Act, i.e., Youth Criminal Justice Act. There has a primary rationale that has been enacting the statute to reduce...
My mother’s best friend through high school, a close family friend of mine, Robyn Cronin, was thrilled to hear her young son of 19, Patrick, had made it into the senior football league. On the 16th of April, 2016, he played his first game alongside...
The Joint family property does not cease to be joint family property when it passes to the hands of a sole surviving coparcener. If a son is born to the sole surviving coparcener, the said properties become the joint family properties in his hands and...
In this short essay, I shall articulate why former Justice Horace Gray holds a particular interest to me. I shall begin by giving a brief biographical sketch of his judicial career for contextual purposes. Next, I shall explain why his opinion on the landmark case...
The Iliad and The Odyssey portray a hierarchical, stringently ordered society, ruled by powerful kings, followed by the masses and sanctioned by the gods. At the murder of Agamemnon, a complete breakdown of the Greek social, governmental, and religious systems occurs, throwing Greek civilization into...
Wrongful Convictions and Exonerations The United States justice system is a system that has continuously been called into question based on its handling of certain cases, especially when it comes to dealing with convictions. Of course now the system has been supplied with more reliable...
Evolution of legislation to promote youth justice in Canada can be traced from the mid-19th century when criminal laws specifically for young children were initiated. The first juvenile legislation act was the Juvenile Delinquents Act (JDA). Introduction of this was around 1908, and according to...
“Suicide is the act of intentionally causing harm or death to one self. The bible is very clear on the fact that murder is against one of the Ten Commandments. Although there is a noticeable increase in the amount of mass suicides within the American...
To know if the sociological and economic goals of the country is realised in the past 25 yrs thorough sociological jurisprudence, we have to first know about sociological jurisprudence. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your...
Positive psychology has roots in developing relationships between adults and youth and impacts the effectiveness of the programming. Since restorative conversations use an adult as a mediator, there can be a gain of greater effectiveness if there is a positive relationship that has or does...
The Oresteia is a multipurpose work that sets the foundation for the evolution of modern political thought throughout the ages. It also serves to outline the beginning of the understanding of humanity through multiple different lenses. The human life is examined to a thorough extent,...
The Affects of Divorce on Children As a child, there are many things that affect a view, memory, opinion, or attitude. Children have many of their own daily struggles to cope with, as peer pressures are an example. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need...
Even in popular media, the idea of equivalent exchange is commonly used to demonstrate the important value of morals and justice. The questioning of morality and justice has not been phased by the coming and going of eras, and authors of all time periods and...
Misidentification is one, if not, the largest factor in false imprisonment. All across the country there are hundreds no, thousands of people who are imprisoned due to witness identification. Eye witness identification plays a major role in shaping a investigation. While witnesses are helpful to...
In The Marrow of Tradition, Charles Chesnutt tells the story of social injustice in the Reconstruction period of the late 1800s. He uses a variety of unique characters, ranging from aristocratic white supremacists to vengeful blacks. Chesnutt criticizes the forceful removal of blacks from political...
“Sing sorrow, sorrow: but good win out in the end” (Oresteia, Agamemnon 121). Such is the chorus’ refrain in the opening lines of Aeschylus’ trilogy, the Oresteia. Written in the 5th century B.C.E., Aeschylus’ classic tragedy not only profoundly impacted the Athenians of his time,...
In the case of Pena Rodriguez v. Colorado, a man named Peña Rodriguez had been convicted of sexual conduct and harassment in the Colorado Supreme Court. However, after the final verdict, it was brought to Peña Rodriguez’s attention by the other jurors that there had...
There is certainly contention over the adolescent equity framework, and on regardless of whether they should concentrate more on restoration or discipline. I feel that all states should keep on expanding their attention on solidifying up the adolescent equity framework, by including discipline as the...
The Marbury v. Madison legal case on February 24, 1803 initially declared an act of Congress unlawful, consequently establishing the regulation of judicial review. The court’s judgement, written by Chief Justice John Marshall, is viewed as one of the foundations of U.S. constitutional law. Made-to-order...
In the Plato’s “Republic” the foundation for Polemarchus’ definition of Justice mostly is following in his father’s footsteps with the concept of helping friends and harming enemies, changing from the individual to the collective good. In this paper, I will argue that Polemarchus’ definition of...
“‘Send him,’ quoth [Minos], ‘to our infernal king, / To doom him as best seems his majesty” (1.1.52-3). Nestled in the lengthy opening monologue by Don Andrea, these lines introduce the overarching question that Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy seeks to answer – the question...
Justice as we know was a right fundamental to all, but it’s fallacy is evident, as money now results in its fall. Objectively analyzed the criminal jurisprudence adopted by India is a mere reflection of the Victorian legacy left behind by the Britishers. The passage...
In Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, the Supreme Court held that governments may restrict the right of corporations to make independent expenditures on behalf of political candidates. The Austin Court articulated a new constitutional standard for evaluating campaign finance regulation. Such regulation, the Court...
In July 2006, two minors at the time, fifteen-year-old J and sixteen-year-old C were at C’s home, drinking and smoking marijuana where C’s mother then provided some alcohol. Later that night, the boys went into town with the intention of stealing valuables from unlocked cars....
Juror #5…A naive, very frightened young man who takes his obligations in the case seriously, but who finds it difficult to speak up when his elders have the floor.On page 36, juror #5 sees reasonable doubt in the case so he changes his vote to...
In a theological age conscious of the damage inflicted by sin upon human reason, Anselm of Canterbury emerges as one of its greatest champions. Though his maintenance of the primacy of faith never wavered, his project was one of using the tool of reason to...
Britain is a common-law country in which the system of justice depends heavily on custom and precedent. By contrast, France is a civil law country where the legal system is based entirely on a body of written law. A system of administrative justice was laid...
Drug Courts: A New Way Forward Drug courts are really shaking things up in the world of criminal justice. Instead of just locking folks up, these courts aim to tackle the root of the problem—substance abuse. It’s no secret that simply throwing someone in jail...
Justice, in its broadest sense, is the principle that people receive that which they deserve, with the interpretation of what then constitutes "deserving" being impacted upon by numerous fields, with many differing viewpoints and perspectives, including the concepts of moral correctness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity and fairness.