Many people see Religious Knowledge System and Ethics convincing because of the fact that these two have established rules and evidence to support what they put on or what they judge as true. In this word many people have the faith in religion and those...
Abstract The aim of this paper is analysing the effect of knowledge and creativity on the overall result of a design process, in order to investigate how to apply these two principles to produce the best outcome. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it...
Introduction With the outbreak of COVID-19, the demand for wholesale hand sanitizers are now greater than ever. A bottle of hand sanitizer is now a common sight everywhere from grocery shops to medical institutions. With alcohol as it’s the star ingredient, hand sanitizers are an...
Like many industries, the academic library has seen comprehensive changes over the past five years due to the emergence of new technologies. This has forced many institutions to re-think how they manage the administrative tasks of collection, curation and acquisitions while dramatically changing the role...
Knowledge is a concept of realizing and understanding the patterns and implications of existing data and information (Filemon & Uriarte, 2008). In general, there are two types of knowledge: tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is a knowledge that resides in the human brain...
Production of knowledge can be defined as the methods of generating idea which will be helpful for the understanding of some concept for human being. Production of knowledge is something that takes time to be realized. Sharing knowledge is an activity through which knowledge is...
Earlier in my first post I commented that anyone could do philosophy, based on Jostein Gaarder in Sophies Welt’s book. Philosophers like Bertrand Russell and even Socrates himself thought that anyone by using reason and asking the right questions could be a philosopher. And they...
Every day we make decisions. Some of them are trivial, others can change your life. But why is decision-making often particularly difficult for us? It is often because we do not know if we should listen to the stomach or head. Why make decisions but...
Having met both the opulence of Kuwait and Europe and the extreme poverty of Africa, through my travels, I became aware of the inequalities that exist within and among countries. Witnessing penury in the rural side of Egypt, during my volunteer work this summer, I...
Over the years history has adapted and changed to find and accept new forms of historical knowledge. From the very beginning where visual history was used for centuries in caves to display and explain through pictures what had occured in the past. To the more...
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To interpret the title we must first understand the term “robust knowledge”, by defining knowledge as justified true belief, suggesting that knowledge itself already is of absolute quality. This makes the task problematic and so I have interpreted robust knowledge as a notion in which...
I believe that man’s eternal quest for happiness naturally culminates into the search for truth, through knowledge. I wish to stand on the shoulders of the giants to look far beyond the horizons of present day knowledge of Electrical Engineering, with a hope that I...
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning: Historical Ideologies In this class session, we continued to explore the concepts of “Inductive and Deductive reasoning,” this time with a surprising ideological perspective. This perspective suggests that the reasoning of induction was proposed by the ancient philosopher Plato (429-347 BC),...
Outline Of Importance Of Education Introduction Education as a gateway to the future The value of education Importance of discussing education in life Education’s Role in Society Contribution to societal development Utilization of technology in education Technology’s impact on personal empowerment Challenges in Third-World Education...
The production of knowledge requires accepting conclusions that go beyond the evidence for them In this essay we will analyse and discuss the fifth ToK question «The production of knowledge requires accepting conclusions that go beyond the evidence for them». We will first talk about...
Policy is something related to actions or decisions, but the question is, on what ground is this policy designed from? One thing to note is that in a modern governed society, there are other actors and perspectives involved in the process. It means more resources...
The study’s main cause was to improve the performance of the students of Luray II National High School with regards to Rational Function of General Mathematics. To give remedy to such problem, the researcher focused on two major inquiries. First, measure the difficulty level encountered...
Doubt has always been linked to the search for knowledge and arose with the immediate empirical perceptions of the things about us. They are not what they seem. For the ancients, doubt was placed with the broader horizon of “trust”, but for us moderns “doubt”...
As I understand it, “disinterestedness” refers to objectivity and value-free pursuit of knowledge. When we are disinterested, we detach ourselves from biases and become more neutral and open-minded which helps attaining more reliable knowledge. “Pursuit of knowledge” in this claim means knowledge acquisition and production....
In the process of knowledge acquisition, knowers often follow an overall framework that can be used to obtain incontrovertible facts. While it may seem that ambiguity in knowledge is undesirable, it is certainly ubiquitous. This begs the questions: why does ambiguity arise and, ultimately, how...
The idea based on the term Islamization can change the view of the community by drew attention to avoid conflict especially in the aspect of education system. The author concluded that for a person to save himself from involving the confusion that driver of the...
An explanation is a statement with its roots in reality and psychology; it gives a vivid picture to the person inquiring. If a young child asks why the sky is blue, he will definitely not understand a deep scientific answer. An explanation needs to be...
Goethe, a German writer and statesman, once said, “We know with confidence only when we know little; with knowledge doubt increases.” But what is knowledge? A term that philosophers have been in search of for centuries, according to the modern definition, knowledge is facts, information,...
“The principal object of your reading should be for the acquisition of useful knowledge , and the strengthening, refining, and ennobling of your character”, Grenville Kleiser. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences +...
Introduction After graduating Master of Business Administration, I have to take one of the most decisive selection as standing in front of a crossroad: building my own fashion brand or continuing to pursue ahigher level degree of international trade. Nevertheless, no matter what path I...
Mathematics is one of the mainly significant subjects of our life. No matter to which field or profession you belong to, its use is all over. That is why it is essential to have an excellent understand of the topic. Though the basics of mathematics...
“Provability is a weaker notion than truth.” suggests that provability, in other words proving a theory with evidence is not necessarily better than the truth which in case of sciences set conclusions by scientists or philosophers or any expert in science go beyond the evidence...
What is History? There are many important steps that lead to the conclusion that all of history is an interpretation. Because history is an account of what happened in the past, we cannot know anything else but what was recorded. So, in reality, the only...
Fahrenheit 451, a dystopian novel written by Ray Bradbury, presents a chilling vision of a future society where books are banned and burned. In this world, firemen no longer extinguish fires but instead start them, burning down houses and destroying any trace of literature. The...
It is common to read a word and predict its superficial meaning from its context. Instead of analyzing its implicit meaning, humans tend to take words as general, as if it synonyms and itself were the same. This happens with the terms disagreement and dissent....