Introduction Recast as a fair-weather Hollywood rebel with Terry Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys – breaking the rules only just enough to accrue a superficial glaze of strangeness – Chris Marker’s La Jetée is the real deal. It’s as aesthetically radical as any film this side of,...
Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One is an innovative and intellectual young adult novel released in 2011. This sci-fi story recounts the quest of an ordinary teenager named Wade Watts who relies on an extremely advanced virtual world, OASIS, to live out most of his life:...
Owen effectively conveys the emotions of a hopeless soldier, through the development and progression of thought in ‘Wild With All Regrets’. He uses various parallel trains of thought simultaneously, such as the past, present and future, magnifying people and then inanimate things, wandering into what...
In Herman Melville’s “Bartleby, The Scrivener,” the author implies the major theme as the choices made in our lives, impact how we live our life. Both the narrator and Bartleby make choices that impact what happens to them in the present and the future. The...
The most effective poems use a specific everyday issue to portray deeper, timeless ideas. This means that the poet’s contemporary audience can relate to the issue, while future audiences can relate to the idea. William Blake’s poetry is enjoyed by modern readers, even though its...
Crying foul on director Mikhail Kalatozov’s deliriously unhinged, masterful slice of post-Bay of Pigs agitprop for its unapologetic commitment to ideology would be tantamount to artistic heresy and shortsighted emphasis on the political over the artistic if the film weren’t such a bold and brazen...
George and Lennie, the main characters of the novella “Of Mice and Men”, stick with each other even through the hardships and obstacles. One factor that keeps them together is the fact that they are both lonely wanderers, in a country with few opportunities for...
A totalitarian form of government is one which tries to control every aspect of life including a person’s private life, how people spend every minute of their time even in private, who they can associate with or what they are allowed to say. A totalitarian...
Many individuals say that the metal of a man is found in his capacity to keep his goals regardless of anything that life can toss at you. In the event that a man is found to have done these things he can be known as...
In JD Salinger’s’ Catcher in the Rye, a teenager named Holden Caulfield has a hard time understanding that everyone has to grow up. Holden did not want children to grow up because he feels that adults are corrupt. This is known when Holden tries to...
The Necklace, a short story by Guy Maupassant, is about a woman who spends and wastes her life trying to repay something that was not even real. The author presents the main themes, greediness and selfishness, through the character of Mathilde, and how these, in...
On this Valentine’s Day, get to know about your love life this year. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Aries Aries are courageous, enthusiastic and determined and...
The novel “Chasing Lincoln’s Killer”, by James Swanson, is about the plotting and killing of President Lincoln; the twelve-day manhunt of John Wilkes Booth. Booth is the murderer of The United States 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. It was just the tail end of The Civil...
At the beginning of the ‘The Monkey’s Paw’, Jacobs describes the night as ‘cold and wet’, where as Jacobs describes the Whites’ home by saying ‘the fire burned brightly’. This contrast makes the reader associate the outside with dark, cold and bad while associating the...
Often times the protagonist of a bildungsroman will undergo a cathartic revelation, shifting their perspective from one of innocence and childhood to one of understanding and adulthood; John Grimes, the protagonist of James Baldwin’s Go Tell It on the Mountain, experiences said journey of realization...
The cellist of Sarajevo, the kite runner and 1984 revolves around knowledge and how is directly related to enlightenment. These three novels portray how knowledge will take you a further while ignorance only leads to unnecessary complications. In these three novels, I will be exploring...
What if death was painless to bear? What if people never cared whether they lived or died? For protagonist Susie in The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold she struggles with her unexpected and unfortunate murder as she seeks closure and euphoria. King Hamlet in Hamlet...
“My father, with tears in his eyes, tried to smile as one friend after another grasped his hand in a last farewell. Mama was overcome with grief. At last we were all in the wagons. The drivers cracked their whips. The oxen moved slowly forward...
Poetic verse has been used as an outlet of strong emotions and feelings for centuries. The elegance of poetry has long been thought of as more refined than that of prose writing, and thus as a better vessel for conveying strong feelings. Subjects such as...