This is basically a service industry. They provide customers with branding services. As a part of this they conduct brand audit, review corporate marketing communication internally as well as externally. This will include advertisements, yearly reports, trade show booth, brochures, sales sheet, training videos, press...
An action potential is an electrical impulse that begins at the axon hillock (trigger zone), propagates away from the soma, and moves down the axon, synaptic knob, and synapse. The action potential is triggered by a depolarization of the neuron from -70mV to -55mV. This...
Traditional knowledge states that the employees need to turn enthusiasm to job so they will not need to labour one day when they are alive. However, what is the result to the workers” leisure pursuits when those pursuits out of sudden occupy their time from...
The working environment at Intitech is not conducive. White (2006) notes, that working conditions have to be favorable so that the employees can feel motivated to work. The author describes the working environment as soulless. The employees are not proud to be associated with this...
Right from my childhood I am fascinated towards technology whichever communicates each other. Being a kid, I loved playing with the telephone lines in my home and unwittingly listen to my cousin” discussions with the help of Two-line phone. At that time, Information flow from...
Appraisal of management decisions Defination Appraisal can be described as the process of reviewing employee performance, documenting the review, and delivering it to the employee in the form of feed back.It is one of the phases of the performance management cycle. appraisals, sometimes called performance...
About IOTA: IOTA enables companies to explore new b2b models by making each technology resource a potential service to trade in an open market in real time at no cost. In this new autonomous machine economy, IOTA will be the backbone. The Tangle Registry is...
Financial inclusion refers to process of economic offerings at reasonable costs to the ignored or abandoned sections of the society of the economic system. Access to formal finance can accelerate job creation, reduce financial stress and huge investments in human capital. Without sufficient access to...
Voluntary vs. Involuntary Turnover Voluntary turnover can be defined as “The turnover in which employee has own choice to quit or instances of turnover initiated at the choice of employees”. Voluntary turnover occurs when the employee chooses to leave the organization. In this case, the...
There are many times in life when we are forced to step out of our comfort zone. For me, one of those moments came when my parents forced me to join JROTC at Leavenworth High school. The goal of the program is to help the...
Team effectiveness is enhanced by a team’s continuous commitment to reflection and ongoing evaluation. In addition to evaluating their accomplishments in meeting specific goals; it is essential for them to understand their development as a team. In a childcare setting a team will go through...
Conflict is a result of real or perceived opposition to another’s values actions or interests. This can occur internally or externally. Conflict work groups can affect the organisation as a whole and conflict resolution can produce a positive outcome for both parties involved. Constructive conflict...
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” This proverb by Henry Ford can very well highlight the importance teamwork. This essay disusses the ability to work in teams as one of the most vital soft skills that often taught...
Scriptwriters work with script editors to make the script the best it could possibly be. They iron out all the kinks to create an effective and compelling story. Script editors also help the scriptwriter meet all production company’s requirements. Most scriptwriters are freelance and pitch...
Employees spending long hours in the office are not an uncommon sight these days. But how much of the work day is spent productively is another matter altogether. As the saying goes “it’s not the number of hours you put into work, it is the...
“Gig” economy is creating challenges for labor market. Independent working is insecure and offers workers less access to paid leave, sick pay or maternity leave along with training and career development (Dekker and Van der Veen) due to misclassification and social inequality. Made-to-order essay as...
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (the “Regulation’), which comes into force on the 25 May 2018, individuals will benefit from enhanced rights in terms of their ability to request and access personal data from any entities holding such data about them. This note...
In November of the year 2000, a software malfunction led to the deaths of eight patients at a Panama City cancer clinic, while at least 20 other patients developed symptoms linked to overexposure to radiation (Doe, 2001). The software malfunction resulted in these patients being...
Team is conceived as a group of agents adopting the appropriate joint and individual mental attitudes. Instead, work group is defined as “multiple individuals acting as a bounded whole to get something done”. In general, members of teams tend to develop greater interdependence and a...