Understanding Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) is essential for anyone interested in mental health, whether you’re a student, a clinician, or someone looking to support a loved one. EUPD, also commonly referred to as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), presents unique challenges both for those experiencing...
Psychology and psychotherapy are two closely related fields within the realm of mental health and human behavior. While both disciplines focus on understanding and treating psychological issues, they differ in their approaches and methodologies. Psychology is a broad academic discipline that encompasses the study of...
Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is one of the four social construction models, it directs clients to seek a solution rather than searching for an explanation about their problems. Solution-Focused Therapy as stated in the essay is focuses on the future with minimal discussion of the clients’...
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy was developed by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues at the beginning of the 1970s in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Solution-focused brief therapy explored in this essay as future-focused, goal-directed, and focused on the solution psychotherapy approach. The solution-focused was an...
Background of the Study Viktor Frankl‘s s most popular book, Man’s Search for Meaning, is one of the resource where one can understand his life and work. The book details Frankl‘s experiences in the concentration camps. This book of Frankl which has been translated into...
Introduction There are many ways to conduct therapy, in this essay I will start off by giving insight on what is Psychoanalytic theory and then critically discuss a few ways of conducting therapy which are relational psychoanalysis psychotherapy, intersubjectivity and the analytic third. I will...
Psychotherapy, in general, is a form of treatment, in which a trained psychologist or other qualified mental health providers will form a professional relationship with a patient, in order to understand their problems and remove or alleviate troubling symptoms, thoughts, beliefs or behaviors. Professionals will...
Within this literature review, literature that focuses on the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as treatment for depression and anxiety will be reviewed and valued. Firstly, it is important that CBT is defined and understood as a “structured, goal directed and collaborative intervention strategy”...
At some point in our lives, most of us have found ourselves in situations where we feel like we are under too much pressure mentally. This kind of stress may come from literally any aspect of life, but it is mostly attributed to work. Specific...
The existential theory is the fundamental beliefs, which human beings experience that may cause internal and external conflict with those they interact with. The hardships entailed are believed to stem from a particular human existence. Specific primary factors are recognized upon the application of the...
This essay will focus on the involvement of the brain neurotransmitters serotonin in the psychological disorder, depression, and dopamine in the psychological disorder, schizophrenia. With evidence from various studies relating to the effectiveness of drug treatments in both disorder, this essay will evidence the treatments...
What is depression? How would one define depression? Depression is now becoming more prevalent in today’s society as a study has shown that over 18,000 Malaysians have been diagnosed with depression in 2017 based on statistic obtained through mental health screening programs conducted on 273,203...
Introduction The aim of this paper will be to logically utilize a narrative therapy approach qualitatively by a professional counsellor to help a client, Esther who is faced with an economic turmoil as a result of being laid off from her job to cope up...
Introduction As an active duty service member, with 24 years of continuous service, topics involving veterans become very personal. I joined the Navy in August of 1994 during the heart of Operation Uphold Democracy. This choice was made willingly due to the depth in which...
Green (2015), in his write up on ‘why psychology isn’t unified, and probably never will be’, affirmed that psychology is “a fairly heterogeneous group, ontologically and epistemologically” which is the major reason why the field is not unified. This is in line with what Koch...
Clay is vastly used in group counselling, in both art and psychotherapy. It’s a very strategic technique that can be utilized to get into the heart and soul of our human, emotional life. As human beings, most of the time, it is rather hard to...
American psychoanalysts are an endangered species. For many years, Freudian theory has been providing a comprehensive framework to describe human behavior. Nowadays, however, the traditional psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapies are in dramatic decline. As per Freud, internal or psychological forces motivate behavior, and abnormality occurs...
The field of clinical psychology is vast and diverse. Over the years, treatment of mental health has evolved in many forms, subject to the patients needs and response. This has expanded the field into treatment in the arts, sciences and everything in between. A common...
Suicide is a phenomenon that makes hearts race and faces flush with heightened emotions. It is ironic how the choice of ending life spurs sensations within our bodies that remind us what it feels like to be alive. Being someone who has contemplated suicide several...
LSDs initial use in psychotherapy was not one without valid grounds. Although it was, and still is largely not understood how LSD causes the “Trip” it has shown efficacy in treating a small array of mental disorders. There has been experimentation conducted in its applicability...
Psychedelics have a deep-seated history in various indigenous groups across the world for the purposes of obtaining enlightenment and divination. As a result of the past ignorance and social stigmas surrounding mind-altering substances our knowledge is still limited and the field of study is relatively...
Abstract The aim of this article is to sort out the role of mother language in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a sort of treatment which is used in some of mental disorder. It is a treatment rather than medicine. In psychotherapy, the therapist makes an interpersonal...