Chapter 2 of "Born a Crime" by Trevor Noah dives deeper into the complexities of growing up in apartheid South Africa, exploring themes that resonate far beyond the borders of his homeland. Noah’s narrative is not just a personal story; it’s a lens through which...
Introduction Madagascar is like a treasure chest of nature, ain’t it? It’s the fourth biggest island on Earth and famous for its crazy variety of plants and animals. About 88 million years ago, it broke away from Africa and has been doing its own thing...
Introduction You know, colonialism in Africa is a pretty complicated topic. It’s like this big puzzle that historians are still trying to piece together. Sure, we often hear about the bad stuff—like exploitation and cultural loss—but there were some upsides too. This essay is gonna...
John Carlins book, Invictus, is a gripping portrayal of the transformative power of forgiveness and reconciliation in the wake of the apartheid era in South Africa. Drawing on extensive research and interviews with key figures, Carlin provides a nuanced and insightful account of how the...
Africa, a continent known for its rich cultural diversity and natural beauty, is also home to a significant challenge: widespread poverty. Despite its vast resources, Africa faces complex issues related to poverty that have persisted for decades. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted...
Youth unemployment stands as a pressing challenge in South Africa, casting a shadow over the aspirations and potential of the nation’s young population. As a pivotal demographic group, the struggles faced by young people in accessing employment opportunities have far-reaching implications for both individual futures...
The developing country South Africa is located in the eastern hemisphere on the southern tip of the African continent. This country was colonized by Britain and gained its independence after a whites-only referendum in 1961 (“The World Factbook: South Africa”). The free enterprise country has...
Introduction There has been a research concerning absent parents in South Africa. Almost half of South Africa’s children are growing up without their parents, the widespread of absent parents has been a growing trend that is amongst other things seen to be contributing to our...
Introduction The motive of this essay is to state and define the term racism. It is commonly the belief in the superiority of one group of people to another, which often feedback in injustice and discrimination based on their lives where individuals come from. However,...
After succeeding the throne in 1816, Shaka KaSenzangakhona wanted to create the Zulu Empire. In order to achieve this, Shaka implemented a military conquest which to a large extent provided base for an expansion of the empire. This essay will give an explanation of why...
If you had all the money in the world to buy anything you want, what would it be? Many people would say a car, a mansion, start a business, or buy clothes, shoes, and food—anything that would satisfy their needs. But would you ever think...
South Africa isn’t particularly known worldwide for any groundbreaking ideas in the culinary world. Theirs is a similar story to that of many other countries, particularly ones belonging to former empires. South Africa is strategically located between two oceans, allowing it easy access to Eastern...
Under the Act of Union in 1910, all of the British colonies in southern Africa were consolidated into South Africa, a dominion of the British Empire. At this stage in South Africa’s history, the relationship between white and black people was by no means standardized....
In J.M Coetzee’s Age of Iron, Mrs Elizabeth Curren recounts the life-altering events of her last days battling cancer in a letter to her estranged daughter. The novel is set in Cape Town, South Africa in 1986-89 – a time of division, injustice and revolution....
The Injaka Bridge project was in a small town called Bushbuckridge in South Africa. It was proposed to be a seven-span 300m steel structure. In July 1998 it was being constructed using the incremental launching method when disaster struck, and the bridge collapsed. The bridge...
Nando’s art initiative Socio-economic issue: Unemployment, exposure for upcoming entrepreneurs and youth empowermentNando’s has the world’s largest collection of contemporary South African artworks, furniture and designs showcased internationally, presenting African creativity while increasing public access to art. As Nando’s expands internationally, so does the awareness...
For more than decades, the African continent was no stranger to being colonized by European countries which soon led to being called the “Scramble for Africa”. Colonialism is the act of taking over another country and gaining political control and authority, ultimately exploiting the resources...
The Aids pandemic has spurred so much commentary in South Africa that its true, startling impact can sometimes be overlooked: is easy to forget that approximately 5,38 million people are living with HIV and that an average of 1100 people die of Aids each day...
This essay seeks to analyse a practice in the North West University Potchefstroom campus. This practice involves “curriculum of higher education that has not yet been a decolonized”. Since 2015 students across South African universities have been campaigning for the decolonization of higher education. This...
It has been a long heated discussion as to whether junior rugby players should play rugby according to weight or age categories in South Africa, much like in Australia and New Zealand. According to Mike Lambert (2010), the size of the players, their mental maturity,...
Colonisation is widely regarded as a practice reminiscent of a long-forgotten era, and one that has little attachment to the cutting-edge globalised world of today – but this could not be more untrue. Long-standing European practices of the colonial period continue to impact countries, both...
Strategic management is necessary to plan appropriately and ensure thatorganisations outperform their rivals. With regards to the externalenvironment relating to Africa, we will explore the roles of the African Union(AU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) inpromoting the well-being, attitude and competitiveness of African...
In Fiela’s Child, the two families, the van Rooyens and the Komoeties, have a strong connection with animals, albeit not always a positive connection. The van Rooyens have a problem with elephants in the forest. The Komoeties’ ostriches give the family all kinds of trouble....
I belong to United Arab Emirates and I’m a strong follower of the Arab Islamic culture and values. The Arab culture along with the Islamic faith is intensely knotted. While Islam is the major religion, other spiritual groups are believed and treated with esteem. Most...
To select the correct market for a companies’ success it is important to look at two factors which include environmental and firm influences (Lee and Carter, 2009, p220). An analysis of the international market environment is useful as it reduces risks and aids decision making;...
When looking at America’s history, something that many have taken note of is the differences seen among individuals from different eras. Many have differentiated mindsets, customs, appearances, etc shaped by the values of the era they lived in and their environment. However, people tend to...
Introduction Cape Town, home to approximately 4 million people, listed as the 10th most populous city in South Africa. Cape Town is a coastal city located in the South West region of South Africa, a coordinate of approximately 33.9249°S, 18.4241 The water crisis began in...
Africa is critical to India’s security, especially the Horn of Africa region, because of its proximity with India. The threat of radicalism, piracy, organized crime emerge from this region. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your...
The challenges associated with imposed and fractured constitutionalism could be solved by adopting transformative constitutionalism. Klare (1998), views transformative (objective) constitutionalism as a meaningful change in constitutional settings, culture and attitude; that is, practical change in terms of progressive realisation of democracy and rights on...
Water pollution refers to when non-naturally occurring substances build up in water to an extent that causes problems for organisms making use of the water. Large bodies of water have the ability to somewhat naturally clean a certain amount of pollution by harmlessly dispersing it...