The word clone is used in many different contexts in biology research, however, it all comes down to the simplest form, it refers to a precise “genetic copy of a molecule, cell, plant, animal, or human being” (Sunstein,1999). For cloning to take off, there were...
Through the years, we have heard many headlines about self driving cars. For example we’ve seen Tesla make plenty of self driving vehicles starting from 2014. Have you ever thought of how these autopilot cars function? If so, I’ll explain furthermore. Three main components are...
Every day we use less and less money. Increasingly, when paying for goods or services, bank cards or mobile devices supporting the contactless payment function are in our hands. Agree that it is much more convenient. And if in the developed economies this has long...
Introduction Mindset is a crucial component of innovation. While confidence in one’s abilities is important, it is not sufficient to trigger innovation. Employees must also believe in their capacity to improve their skills. Research has shown that individuals have different perceptions of their talents and...
Vehicles The implementation of NAFTA agreement became a millstone for slowly expanding Mexico’s automotive industry. Biggest manufacturers such as Honda, Peugeot, Porche and Mercedes – Benz settled in Mexico to benefit from cheap labor, and free trade. Later General Motors, Nissan, Ford Motor, Volkswagen and...
Animatronics is a multi-disciplinary field which integrates anatomy, robots, mechatronics, and puppetry resulting in lifelike animation. It involves the use of mechatronics to create machines which seem animate rather than robotic. This project depicts a microcontroller based robotic hand controlled by hand gesture. The project...
Big data can be generated in manufacturing sectors and automobiles by using Internet of things (IoT) technology where generation of myriad data is possible. Industrial IoT inspires the companies to change and adopt to new and emerging data-driven strategy. This paper explains about how IoT...
Introduction Electric propulsion has taken over the chemical propulsion system in space travel due to its high efficiency with less amount of propellent. We are all aware that Xenon is used as a propellent for the plasma thrusters. This article mainly deals with discussing an...
When I think of nuclear disasters my first thought is Nagasaki and Hiroshima. These tragic events caused during an act of war was a traumatic devastating event in history. Chernobyl another disaster was perhaps the most outrageous display of lack of ethics event in recent...
The Internet and current innovation have opened up new commercial centres that enable us to elevate our organizations to new geographic areas and societies. What’s more, given that it would now be able to be as simple to work with individuals remotely as it is...
Computer Aided Drafting is a system that uses computer software to create, change, observe or make a design the best it can be. This is commonly used by Engineers, Electrical Drafters, Aeronautical Drafters, Mechanical Drafters, Civil Drafters, Architectural Drafters, Process Drafters, and Electronics Drafters. Made-to-order...
Introduction With electric cars on the rise and the realisation that CO2 emission is seriously becoming a problem. More and more people are starting to get concerned, and asking the question: Should there be a ban for the sale of fossil fuelled cars? The Rotterdam...
I am currently a student at Chellaston Academy studying Maths, Physics and Computer Science. As a person, I am extremely motivated, self-disciplined and a dedicated learner; I can undertake any obstacle in a wide range of situations, which combines excellent communication and management skills. I...
This report deals with the communication issues that have or currently occurred between engineers and the public. Good communication between the engineer and the public is essential in the future to help promote and develop the world. Engineers need to particularly realise how important this...
Advances in atomic science methods have given the premise to revealing for all intents and purposes boundless quantities of DNA markers. The utility of DNA-based markers is for the most part dictated by the innovation that is utilized to uncover DNA-based polymorphism. Right now, the...
A Design is a human creativity in order to achieve useful functions that help to harmonise the difficulties of life in order to make the human life easier. However, the engineering design is linked to specific criteria and may be covered by failure or success....
Introduction Airbnb is all called AirBed And Breakfast. Its headquarter is in San Francisco, California. Airbnb has infiltrated 190 countries since it was founded in 2008, leading the global sharing economy boom. Specifically, it helps users to book spare room (for home stay facility) via...
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is a popular approach that has been widely used in optimization problems. This research on using Multi-objective genetic algorithm for motif discovery (MOGAMOD) was the first study to apply multi-objective genetic algorithm in the motif finding problem. By maximizing three conflicting objectives:...
It goes without saying that the world is run by technology, innovations and discoveries made by mankind to this day. All that has changed the way people view the world, the way they live and the way life is made way better by the above...