In a writers essay, one can cover a specific piece of literature or the entire creation of a given writer. In such essays, students identify themes, motifs, symbols, key messages, stylistic devices, describe or compare characters, their traits and personal conflicts, reveal personal reactions, their interpretation and attitude towards the ...Read More
In a writers essay, one can cover a specific piece of literature or the entire creation of a given writer. In such essays, students identify themes, motifs, symbols, key messages, stylistic devices, describe or compare characters, their traits and personal conflicts, reveal personal reactions, their interpretation and attitude towards the written piece. When focusing on the entire creation of chosen writers, the typical characteristics of their style are uncovered along with the unique and original elements that set it apart. Additionally, the sources of inspiration, the influences, the evolution in time are analyzed. Review the essay samples below on certain writers and their works – pay attention to the topics, content organization, approaches to writing, etc.
Greed and Loss are dominant themes in both Disabled and The Necklace. Both writers explore these themes in different ways, but their pieces ultimately imply that greed is bound to result in a loss. Both writers also emphasize on the elusive nature of fame and...
Film adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays and life have become very popular in the last few decades. There are some that depict Bard’s plays and society in a very precise way, though there are others that take some liberties. Because of this reason, I would like...
Book analysis A rather short but interesting read by John Steinbeck called “Of Mice and Men” demonstrates a sort of utopian ideology, it conveys that for the vast majority the american dream is exactly that, but a dream. George and Lennie’s dream of owning a...
Lord of the Rings was a classic when I was a kid. It was a tradition, a world into which I got a glimpse and I was very proud of that. It was a very nice world… To this day, I’m shocked to meet someone...
The theme of equality for African American women in their communities is a similar theme for Paule Marshall and Alice Walker. They both connect with women of the past and these identities they connect with. Both women’s identification is related to the exposure of African...
In his short story, “Roger Malvin’s Burial,” Nathaniel Hawthorne explores such fundamental themes as good, evil , sin, family, pride, and penance. However ,from the onset he warns us, “my tale is not of love”(Hawthorne 25). This is instead a tale of the depths of...
There exists an entirely different dimension, where illusion and deception form people’s personalities and rule their lives, and that dimension is exists here, everyday of our own entire lives. We all live lives only according to what is in our own heads. Whether it be...
Similar to most of Hawthorne’s works, The Minister’s Black Veil not only exemplifies the issues of morality, repentance and sin within the setting of Puritan New England, but it also exhibits the familiar literary theme of conflict between the individual and society. Through this kind...
Laden with allegories, dualisms, and symbolism, Hawthorne’s “The Birth-Mark” makes light of a variety of multi-faceted and complex issues, foremost among them those of sexuality and humanity. While the character of Aylmer seems both emotionally and intellectually secure, his obsession with perfection when applied to...
Much as his name suggests, Owen Warland wages a battle on society in The Artist of the Beautiful by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Throughout the story, he strives to create the Beautiful, a lifelike butterfly, and overcomes many setbacks to succeed briefly, only to have it destroyed...
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Short Story
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Hawthorne marks his characters as potential usurpers of God who are undermined by an inability to negotiate with human chaos. Confronted with examples of imperfection or fragmentation, the scientific minds of “The Birthmark,” “Rappaccini¹s Daughter,” and “Ethan Brand” attempt to efface or fuse flaws as...
Nathanial Hawthorne, in the two different, yet morally similar stories, “Young Goodman Brown” and “Artist of the Beautiful,” displays his opinions on dominant doctrines of society. Hawthorne expresses that the protagonists in each of the stories struggle to succeed within their emotional and social identities...
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown,” is an allegory rich in sexual repression. By psychoanalyzing the main character, one can discover that “Goodman Brown” is not simply a battle between good and evil, but also one of a more sexual nature. Made-to-order essay as...
Introduction On the surface, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment is a story about several troubled adults who are given the chance to relive their youth and enjoy their former, more beautiful selves. However, the idea of youth in this story goes much deeper. Youth is...
Critical readings of Hawthorne’s “The Birth-Mark” tend to focus mainly on Aylmer’s attempt to overpower the hand of God, and the boundaries between science and nature. In the vast array of scholarship on the story, however, little has been said of its racial undercurrent. Written...
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “My Kinsman, Major Molineux” is a tale of opposites and upset expectations. The ideal of the country or rural life is met by the overpowering, even corrupted nature of city life. Robin, the protagonist, the country boy striving to make it...
Within Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short stories “My Kinsman, Major Molineux” and “Young Goodman Brown,” the presence of laughter is used repeatedly across both narratives, often for dramatic effect, showcasing the act’s many facets and qualities. Most typically, laughter is associated with cheer or general happiness. It...
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Short Story
Young Goodman Brown
In Shakespeare’s Sonnet 35 we delve deeply into Shakespeare’s thoughts, emotions and frustrations with his lover, the young man (the Fair Youth), which was brought about by an apparent betrayal through infidelity. Within this sonnet and those preceding it, we see the progression of a...
Innumerable poems address the concept of love, with the written battle between positive love and negative love continuing to be waged today. Not surprisingly, there are not, nor would we expect many future poets to write, many poems that juxtapose both the positive and negative...