David Walker authors the work, Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World (1829) which informs of the system of Chattel slavery in America. In scathing terms, Walker refutes slavery on all points basing his objections on the Bible principles and the American Constitution. Like...
Religiosity I interviewed three people for this assignment: my mother and two of my close friends Patrick and Matt. I was surprised at how similar, yet different, two of these interviews were. My mother, who is Christian, differed from Patrick who is also Christian. My...
There are many controversial issues in today’s society that actually go back a lot farther than can be expected. Issues such as war, abortion, physician-assisted suicide, and the death penalty have been in the world since before Jesus walked the earth. Christians have a standpoint...
Marriage According to the New Testament The New Testament has shown to demonstrate the efforts of a young community, and the teachings of Jesus Christ our Savior, and the way He influenced the community in a significant way. The confrontation with the Jewish culture which...
Although it’s been around since the beginning of human life, the process of dying is still a relatively foreign and unknown process to humanity. There isn’t much that we know about the occurrence except for what we can see and feel for ourselves; i.e., paling...
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Lord counseled people to organize themselves and teach one another. Acting on the revelation, the Saints started working to “establish a school for the Prophets” in Kirtland. In this “house of God”, Young men and women were encouraged...
In 1742, Jonathan Edwards undertook the task of crafting a sermon that would be powerful in the eyes of both believers and unbelievers. The result exists today as his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” The sermon differs from traditional sermons both...
Introduction Six distinct ranges of abilities make up the human system. These dimensions include: thought, feeling, will (spirit, heart), body, social context, and soul. Luke10:25-28 states, “On one occasion, an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I...
The Salvation Army is a Protestant Christian movement and an international charitable organization structured in a quasi-military fashion. The organization reports a worldwide membership of over 1.5 million, consisting of soldiers, officers and adherents known as Salvationists. Its founders Catherine and William Booth sought to...
Introduction The history of Christianity is a captivating tale of faith, resilience, and transformation that has left an indelible mark on cultures and societies around the world. This essay on the history of Christianity will explore the origins of this monotheistic religion, its evolution, and...
Mediator dei This encyclical began a defining moment in the history of the Church. It was promulgated by Pope Pius XII it became the first papal encyclical devoted specifically and entirely to the liturgy. Its relevance is still being felt till this day, and this...
Ryan Rush has an impressive resume. He is pastor of Bannockburn Baptist Church in Austin Texas. Mr. Rush is a public preacher, teacher, and speaker. As well as, an author of at least three books. He also hosts television and radio programs. Made-to-order essay as...
The influence of Greek philosophy on the theologies of the traditional monotheisms was immense, shaping each theology’s conception of God according to the doctrines of such philosophers as Plato, Aristotle, and Zeno. The interaction between religious and pagan philosophies was not always welcomed, however; nor...
Matthew chapter three is our first picture in the act of believer’s baptism. John the Baptist (who was Jesus’ cousin) was baptizing believers at the river Jordan. It seems strange that Jesus wanted to be baptized by John, considering that Christ was without sin. Each...
It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to respect others’ religions as we would have them respect our own, Christianity and Islam are similar faiths. They have many things in common, both in belief and practice, then they have which separates them....
Introduction Christianity stands as one of the largest faith groups globally, with a following that encompasses at least one-third of the world’s population. Central to Christianity is the emulation of Jesus’s character and the nurturing of a relationship with God. Despite facing criticism, persecution, and...
The theme of our Easter journey together has been about challenge. On Palm Sunday we were challenged to acknowledge the darkness within as we became the crowd and shouted to crucify Jesus. On Maundy Thursday, we were challenged, along with Peter, to allow Christ to...
This essay talks about the Jewish roots of Christianity and what it says about the role of women as an oppressed group. Overall, the theme, of women in Jewish roots, illustrates that women were typically mistreated within the community. There was minimal representation of leading...
“What do you sell?” asks Delmar, leaning in to the one-eyed salesman. “The word of God, which, let me tell you, there is damn good money in during these times of woe and want.” The Bible has been misused, misquoted, and misrepresented by history’s finest...
Today in the United States of America, the vast majority of the world happens to be a Christian. The Pew Forum shows that 22 percent of the country are non-religious affiliated and that approximately 70 percent of the people living here are Christians. With this...
Do you know what your worldview is? Do you think that the world is an illusion and we are on a journey to enlightenment as some with a Pantheism worldview? How about the Naturalism worldview of scientific based proof and evolution? Polytheism, or Postmodernism, even...
The world we live in is very unique and been very diverse. Every human on earth is different from each other, very original and unique in its own way which is important trait for our characteristic. The same is with culture around the world. With...
On the morning of December 16th, the church doors were opened at nine a.m. to welcome the parents and other family members of our thirty plus pre-school students. For just over an hour, all were regaled with the songs and poems of our three and...
On the topic and philosophy behind many religions around the world, there are plenty of differences and similarities between two or more religions. However great or small the detail may be, there is an undeniable fact that we, as humans, all generally want the same...
In the classic allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan explains the journey of a newly-saved believer. Bunyan’s story unraveled in a dream of a man named Christian. After reading a section in the bible, Christian tells his wife and children that he must find a...
Empathy in the individual is a massively important quality. Though it is a felt kind of trait, not strictly related with intelligence quotient, I think it is a cornerstone in the development of intelligence. Here’s why. When we have the capacity of feeling for others,...
One of the latest trends in the field of counseling has been the application of psychology, Christian values as well as approaches. Before that, secular psychologists largely operated on a model of bio-psycho-social human behavior and development. It proposes that human beings function and develop...
Christianity is the best vested with distinctive worshippers, including schemes despite the highest representation of the loyalty to present. Contrary to such, religiosity is seen as offering hope to a big multitude all over the nation. Despite the fact, it has been the root of...
This week My mother and I took our bi-monthly journey to the Uconn Medical Centenr with to meet with her geriatrician. Although the trip is less than ninety miles each way, it may as well be a lot further as each trip pulls me away...
The Transforming Vision written by Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton is a book that explains the Christian Worldview, cultural mandate, the metanarrative of scripture, dualism, the relationship between faith and reason, integration of faith and learning, and so much more. Walsh and Middleton...