Change your password The very first thing you should do is keep the hacker from getting back into your email account. Change your password to a strong password that is not related to your prior password; if your last password was billyjoe1, don’t pick billyjoe2—and...
Cryptocurrency is digital money[1]. It uses cryptography, the process of converting information into code, as security to establish the authenticity of each transaction[2]. There are different cryptocurrencies in the market but they all possess four characteristics. Cryptocurrency is decentralised. Everyday currencies, such as the pound...
8086 Microprocessor is an advanced version of microprocessor 8085 that was designed by Intel in the year 1976. It consists of powerful instruction set, which provides operations like multiplication and division easily. 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor which has 20 address lines and16 data lines...
Android’s operating system is extremely safe and really hard for malicious users to get into other peoples phones and corrupt them without the user granting them permission but this wasn’t always the case. As the Linux kernel can be accessed directly this means developers have...
The information technology industry is revolutionizing the world’s economy by changing the way companies do business. Technological advancements have transformed the methods in which firms organize production, invest capital, and create new products or services. Today, it is quite difficult to imagine business without the...
When using a dial-up remote access server on a private network the user is easily able to connect directly to the network. By using a VPN, the connection is internet based, and the user connects to an Internet Service Provider from a modem to a...
Every six months, the world’s Top 500 supercomputers are evaluated by running the Linpack Benchmark program over very large data sets. The ranking varies from year to year, similar to a competition. In this section, we will analyze the historical share in architecture, speed, operating...
Intrusion is an occasion when someone goes into a situation or place where they are not wanted or allowed. It refers to the action of intruding or an unwelcome visit, interjection in someone’s matter and forcible entry in any situation. In information security, Intrusion is...
UML (Unified Modelling Language) is general-purpose -especially in software development- description language which indicates details of developmental process of anything in industry. It is intended to provide astandard way to visualize the design of a system. In software engineering, UML modelling particularly usedfor generating codes...
Computer Programming
Computer Software
Information Technology
The TF – IDF stands for Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency, using this TF-IDF weight of the document is calculated. It is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. It...
Computer Programming
Computer Software
Information Technology
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The advancement in the technology and Internet has paved the way in bridging the digital and Physical world in Industrial 4.0. It is being echoed by many of the Industry leaders that this is going to Phase change the Manufacturing process which offers new ways...
Analysis Overall an oligopoly. (I stated in class) Between few companies relying on each other competing with better products. Android as a commoditized products whereas, Apple a differentiated higher end target. Android is commoditized because it services to the lower class whereas, Apple services to...
Bitmap Images Bitmap images are made up of pixels positioned in vertical and horizontal rows to form a grid. They are same sized tiny squares of individual colour and brightness and they come together and make up what you see on your screen. Most computer...
Do you know how fast your website is? How it can be faster? Nowadays the speed of a web page is a hot topic of discussion. All your efforts to make your website rank well would be futile if your page is too slow as...
The main concept of a programming model is to give guidelines for programmers on how to design and how to structure the software. Usually there are two different ways in IoT operating systems, either to build it as an event-driven or as a multi-threaded system....
Logs are a critical part of any system, they give you deep insights about your application, what your system is doing and what caused the error, when something wrong happens. Virtually every system generates logs in some form or another, these logs are written to...
HTTP protocol is always organized around a clinet sending a request to a server.The client sends the request and the server respones with the response according to the request submitted by the client.Message is nothing but the chunk of data flowing through the network connection...
During your visit to this website, Right Claims may collect personal data about you, either directly (where you are asked to provide the data) or indirectly. Right Claims will, however, only use these personal data in accordance with the purposes set forth in this Privacy...
With the growing deployment of WLANs, e.g. in a business environment, the risk of unethical data interceptions increases significantly.Setting up a rogue access pointA rogue access point (AP) is a unknown wireless AP that has been installed on a secured network without any authorization from...