Health is a topic of the importance of which should not be underestimated. However, with such a huge amount of information available to the wide audience online, it is hard to make sense of all of the contradicting facts and theories. One day there is new research that suggests the ...Read More
Health is a topic of the importance of which should not be underestimated. However, with such a huge amount of information available to the wide audience online, it is hard to make sense of all of the contradicting facts and theories. One day there is new research that suggests the harmful impact of gluten on your body, the next day another research proves it wrong. So if you want to write some essays on this topic, it is better to rely on data that has been approved by the scientific community and is reliable. Check academic papers published in numerous journals of relevant scientific focus. Outline the issues you want to write about, make sure to build a clear structure in your essay, with a comprehensive introduction, main body, and conclusion. Getting acquainted with samples of similar writings will not hurt either.
Resistance Against Antibiotic Resistance Due to their widespread use as medical interventions to combat infections caused by bacteria in both animals and plants, the negative impacts of antibiotics have become increasingly pronounced on a global scale. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a prominent issue, as...
Since time immemorial various plant and plant parts have been used as traditional medicine, Ayurveda developed over generations within different societies before the era of modern medicine. According to WHO(2008), traditional medicine is the sum total of the knowledge, skills and practices based on the...
Technology Addiction Essay Outline Introduction Overview of the positive and negative impacts of tech-gadgets and services Mention of the impact on youth’s technical skills and real-life practical skills Negative Impacts on Youth The shift towards an imaginary world Decreased outdoor activities and social interaction Psychological...
For many years, it has been standard practice to treat diabetic foot ulcers with a combination of any of the following: appropriate wound dressing; offloading; antibiotics; and improving the blood supply. The best way of offloading the foot is, however, uncertain. In addition, whilst there...
There has been a tremendous growth in the medical industry over the years, due to the advancement in technology and an increase in health problems have been observed. Due to the hectic and busy schedules of people has led to increased health issues. But as...
In the recent time, it has been said that MRSA infections in the western countries like America has increased and the mortality rate is increased than the AIDS. Life-threatening diseases are caused by toxins from CA-MRSA strain like Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) and Phenol-Soluble Modulins (PSM)....
Maintenance of oral hygiene is required for optimum periodontal health that increases the longevity of the person’s natural dentition. The objective of periodontal therapy is to reproduce an environment which results in a high standard of oral hygiene as inadequate oral hygiene is associated with...
Clinical audit is not a process that has been defined as “a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through systemic review of care against explicit criteria and the implementation of change: Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each...
Diet plays a fundamental part in people’s lives. The food people eat, has an immense impact on their health and well-being. (Food diseases) As James Douglas-Hamilton said, “what we eat is, of course, what we choose to eat, and that must always be the case”...
A kidney transplant is the transfer of a kidney (healthy kidney) from a donors body into the body of a patient who has very little / no kidney function. There are two types of donations for kidney transplants, living donations, deceased donations. Although there are...
Clinical biochemistry is an area that concerned with biochemical changes in the body such as imbalances in the composition of blood, stool, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and urine. Determine the contents of the abnormal sample by testing it in the laboratories. The result can aid...
The healing influence of music was talked about and proved from long ago. Nowadays, the research done in the field of music therapy show the benefits obtained with the help of the new measuring instruments or new discoveries in neuroscience. Researchers mainly focus on quantifying...
There has been a large increase in the number of children who are obese in the USA in last three decades. According to Cunningham (2014), the percentage of overweight children increased from 4.2% to 15.3% in 1963 and 2000 respectively. Obesity is a disease in...
There are many different types of disability, and all have significant impacts on the lives of individuals with them. Disability can result from a wide range of conditions, including injury, and the disability that will be the focus of this essay is traumatic brain injury...
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder which is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia (WHO, 2006). This chronic hyperglycemia stems from problems with insulin secretion and insulin action which leads to disturbances in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism (WHO, 1999; ADA, 2011). Diabetes can be accredited with...
Today, people infected with HIV can live normal, longer, and healthy lives thanks to the various forms of treatments modes available today. One such form of treatment is the HIV antiretroviral therapy (Palella, F. J. et al. Declining morbidity and mortality among patients with advanced...
Pain is a symptom of disease or damage that occurs most frequently. Pain serves to remind and protect and facilitate the diagnosis of disease. Pain is a protective mechanism for the body that would arise if there is a damaged body tissues1. It is believed...
Haemodialysis is a method for removal of impurities such as creatinine, phosphorous and potassium and urea, as well as free water from the blood when kidney failure. If the patient has kidney malfunctions the impurities are removed by using artificial means of a machine called...
Background of the Study According to WHO, (2012), herbal medicine can be defined as medicine that is made out of plants and is common in many societies in the world including Kenya. When the herbal medicine is used in ways other than traditional, it becomes...