In William Golding’s "Lord of the Flies", the author delves into the intrinsic nature of humanity, exploring themes that illuminate the self-destructive tendencies inherent in mankind when stripped of societal norms. Golding posits that once individuals are liberated from the constraints imposed by civilization, they...
Every human being on this earth possesses a worldview, though they may not know what it is they still have an idea of what they believe in. A worldview makes up what we feel think, and act upon regarding situations in our lives. I believe...
What are humans, why are they here, and what is their purpose in life? What are our goals for life? When you make decisions about using time, is it about the stuff life is made of? What are the various values and priorities that pertain...
The Reel Sisters is a novel about friendships created through a fly fishing hobby. The novel has many lessons on friendships, love, giving, and kindness. Author Michelle Cummings is a flyfisher herself and her aknowledgment of her ‘soul sisters’ in the beginning reveals the quintessence...
Introduction We all know the benefits of eating lots of fruits of veggies. But guess what? You may be peeling away the most nutritious part of the plant. Peels are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants; they can also make you feel full longer—a...
The exhilaration of trout fishing is the greatest, you know that no matter where you plan to go trout fishing you will most likely have a good time. The sport exists in its own right distinct from other sorts of fishing some consider trout fishing...
In life, everyone has his/her perspectives towards things around the person. This is because everyone is unique. One might say the living cycle is being born have a family who will look after you, go pass all educational cycles (primary, secondary, tertiary), after you go...
There are many walks and views of life in a world that is as abundant as Earth. Therefore, there are plenty of different origin stories that people have devout and unbreakable faith in. Focusing on a Christian worldview, from a biblical perspective God created the...
The definition of worldview is the person’s overall perspective and assumption of the world in a philosophical way, representing his most essential belief and the comments on ethics and politics, for example, a person matters on LGBT, abortion, presidential campaign… Worldview is unique, like a...
“What happens to me in death?”, and other questions pertaining to the afterlife are common in the study of religion. There have been many versions of what the afterlife entails, but no singular conclusive concept of it. This lack of consensus calls into question our...
“You get what you pay for”. This saying actually has great merit when shoping in an online or a traditional store that will give you a lovely dress. Last summer,I went for my husband’s funeral in Africa and I was fortunate enough to be able...
Tattoo is a permanent mark on the skin obtained by the insertion of a pigment of different colours with the help of machine. It becomes more popular in recent years. However, there are some arguments in the Chinese society about tattooing. I highly disagree that...
A biblical view of justification has been placed in my heart ever since I started to learn the Bible more deeply and analysing it in the group. Somehow, the feeling of thanksgiving has profusely overwhelmed my heart. My good works are separate from my justification...
The debate between shopping online vs in-store is multifaceted, particularly when it comes to cost. Typically, the expenses associated with online shopping tend to be lower than those of in-store shopping. This is because an online business owner doesn’t have the overhead of paying for...
In modern day society, particularly in liberal democracies, it is a common consensus that terrorism is branded immoral, a rejection to the label for its characteristics of fear and violence on surface level. This essay will attempt to encapsulate why terrorism is not always immoral,...
Introduction The The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings is a multifaceted work that delves into various themes. It combines elements of country life, adventure, and nature, but at its core, it is a profound story about life. I rate The Reel Sisters with a 3...
In our everyday lives, there are tons of serendipity that we come across. However, the path to all these may not be a walk in the park. This raises the question: What are you wading for? With the spirit of unveiling opportunities for people to...
The term tort has originated from latin word ‘tortum’ which denotes ‘to twist.’ It consists of that behaviour which is not right or not legalized but is twisted, illegal or bent. It includes all those unjust acts where a wrongdoer infringes the legal right conferred...
A worldview is a foundation where we view reality and make sense of life and the world, it also gives us confidence and hope for the future. For example, I believe God made us and I believe we are God’s children, one of my best-loved...