What do you do when your heart says yes but your head says no. The heart refers to emotional decision making, a strong feeling, such as love, joy, anger, hate, or fear that helps you make a decision. While the head refers to logical decision...
Google continues to excel at the front of its industry with its specialization in providing computer services that range from its powerful search engine, software and hardware, advertising campaign, and cloud computing. The reason that Google continues to be a monumental success is because of...
Values are what define people. Whether you know it or not, everyone has values that affect them every second of every day. Values affect your decision-making process and even how you interact with people. Everyone has a different journey through life and because of that...
The growth of foreign trade through sea transportation mode by using containers encourages the competition in container depot industry. MTCon as one of the container depot company who has been running business for more than 20 years is required to be able to improve the...
Introduction In this essay, we will embark on a journey to compare and contrast the cultures of two of the most influential ancient civilizations: Ancient Greece and Rome. The rich cultural heritage of these civilizations has left an indelible mark on the development of Western...
The Oxford Learners Dictionary (2019) defined emotional intelligence as “the ability to understand your emotions and those of other people and to behave appropriately in different situations”. Leadership is about influence whereby the leader uses personal experience and examples to influence the follower to follow...
Leadership is a very important and practical skill where a passionate individual guides others to help them do the right things. In Canada, there are many leaders who portray effective leadership skills, but it is evident that some individuals demonstrate better skills than others. Based...
Throughout Canada’s vast history; there have been, and still continue to be millions of significant figures that have devoted their lives in order to make an impact on the nation. Leadership as a whole is the act of inspiring others and working towards achieving a...
Introduction Warren Buffett, often referred to as the “Oracle of Omaha,” stands as an iconic figure in the world of finance and business. Renowned for his extraordinary investment acumen, Buffett’s leadership qualities and values have played a pivotal role in his remarkable success. In this...
Warren Buffett is someone that I have looked up to for a long time. Warren Buffet was born in 1930 in Nebraska. “Buffett became one of the world’s richest men and a celebrated philanthropist.” He invested in many stocks and became super successful at doing...
Warren Buffett
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Warren Buffett will likely go down as the most influential and successful investors in history. Buffett has shown the world how well patience pays off. This patience, along with hard work and his education in financial business, has allowed Buffett to become one of the...
Warren Buffett is a legendary investor from the North America who donated his eighty-three percentage of savings to the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation. He is the current CEO and Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, he believes that without the smart delivery, even the smartest idea...
For 4 years in JROTC, I developed self-confidence and build leadership. The service-learning impact my life to be a better citizen and helping the community. JROTC is meant to prepare your future and goals. JROTC kept me motivated, focused, and on task. The main purpose...
The Profession of Soldiering is among the most noble of professions as it pulls the best and brightest of our society. Those individuals who have a sense of duty, and a desire to serve a greater good, even though it may cost them their lives....
Firstly, self-awareness is the value and meaning that an individual determines for himself as well as the aspects of personality, activity, and behavior. I have a lot of emotions, and it also has some impact on my work and relationships in life. Day by day,...
A personal leadership plan is a useful tool to guide a person through their career on how to grow and how to deal with the challenging demands of being a leader. It is a process that is guided by principles such as purpose, vision, beliefs...
Ethics is the formal study of morality. Morality is a behaviour by which a person ought to act. The code of ethics of an engineer as outlines the moral guidelines by which an engineer ought to act. The IEE lists 10 code of ethics which...
A conflict of interest is an idiom applying to a situation where an individual exercising judgment has a special interest in said subject which may interfere with his or her judgement. This special interest may include but is not exclusive to financial gain, family, friend...
Introduction Ethics are essential in the Airline business because they are the framework that guides individuals in the process of making business decisions. They usually cover three features, i. e. an application of one’s professional skills, incorporation of one’s values and lastly, good judgment. Codes...