A mood is a feeling or a person's specific state of mind at any particular time. A mood is also the prevailing emotion found not only in people but also in literature, music, and other expressive arts. Moods set the overall tone for speech or...
Introduction: A cognitive bias disrupts a normal cognitive process like reasoning, evaluating, and recalling memories. This perception mainly results from the tendency for individuals to put their own beliefs, mood, and preferences above any outside fact or opinion. Cognitive bias is a distortion in our...
Introduction Get some information from university students where friendship helps students succeed in university life that keeps social time and study time balanced. In fact, university student friendships can be more powerful and meaningful than that. How are friendship networks a matter to students for...
I am very interested in pursuing a bachelor degree at the University of Debrecen in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). I would like to set a profession in business and very hopeful that this Bachelor’s degree will help me to fulfill my career motto. From...
The body image has passed through history, where it has been concerned with the beauty of the human body. Every change in the society around it, the emergence of the media, the change of culture, and its impact on other cultures affect people’s thinking of...
Anorexia as a Complex Mental Disorder Anorexia is a complex mental disorder where severe emotional distress is expressed via disordered behavior involving food restriction. It causes extremely dangerous health-related problems such as infertility, hair loss, kidney and liver damage, irregular heartbeats, and in some extreme...
Management theories can be termed as a backbone for the study of management itself. Students and practitioners have to understand these theories first. Sociology and psychology could also be used in management. This means that the managers could try and understand the behaviors of their...
With current media and the images portrayed wherever one looks, giving society a certain idea of what celebrities look like, and therefore shaping minds in regards to how one should look. Although this can affect both genders, it tends to mainly affect teenagers and young...
Media has aided in several different body concept from all stages of people. This has led to people developing negative body images and has done harmful diets, treatments and activities to maintain the so called perfect image of their body. Over half the population of...
“Weather 72, or 88. 44 or 68. We will not let exam results decide our fate”. Spoken Words artist Suli Breaks seamlessly illustrates the tug of war game that is my life. Somehow we’ve come to believe that we’re only as good as the number...
People have the tendency of proving to others and themselves that they are right when it comes to what they do and what they say. It is simply a mechanic to protect the person’s ego based on the notion that nobody likes it when they...
Renowned psychotherapist Alfred Adler once said, “Man knows much more than he understands.” This means that although we might be rich in education, we do not understand much of what we know. The Silence of the Lambs brings insight to this quote on a much...
It is undeniable that people are motivated by many different things, yet fear is one of the most powerful motivators there is. Fear is the natural instinct that helped humans through their evolution. Today, people don’t have to live with ancient threats such as large...
Narrators provide insight into a character with the way they are described and what events are emphasized. In Eugene Onegin, by Alexander Pushkin, and A Hero of Our Time, by Mikhail Lermontov, both have engaged voices, which add a more personal element to the novels,...
Motivation has been regarded as a precondition for success for second and foreign language learners, since lack of motivation can damage a language learning process to a great extent even when all the other essential conditions are provided (Dornyei, 2005, 2010). The attainment and motivation...
Vladimir Nabokov manipulates language’s ambiguous properties in Despair and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. By toying with words’ sounds and meanings he creates an atmosphere of duplicitous layers that resonates with the novel’s thematic overtones. Nabokov also peppers the two novels with what appear...