Wood is one of the longest standing building materials in existence… homes built over 10,000 years ago used timber as a primary source for construction materials it is also used as a dominant form of fuel for heat, additionally 25% of the world's lumber harvest...
Abstract Our planet is inhabited by our 7 billion people and is in the midst of massive transition due to climatic change, biological evolution. Climatic change brings its adverse consequences such as threat to biodiversity and risk to human health, rising sea level, increasing water...
Urbanization refers to the population shift from countryside to towns and cities. It is the process by which towns and cities are formed and how existing ones become larger as more people begin living and working in central areas in hope that they will enjoy...
Given the rise of urbanization, citizens who live in village or hometown are willing to relocate to big cities, such as Beijing, United States, New York. They wanted to have a better place to live. It is analyzed that urbanization could not be avoided. Urbanization...
The world has sworn to eradicate poverty and malnutrition by 2030 as sustainable development goals implemented in 2015 by United Nations. Still, growing urbanization is imposing new challenges to development, and as per latest study, India is principally vulnerable since it confronts another twin burden...
The lynching of Emmett Till in the Mississippi Delta in 1955 is one of the most notorious hate crimes in American history, etching a gruesome chapter into the nation’s memory. This essay explores the profound significance of Timothy B. Tyson’s book, “The Blood of Emmett...
In this essay, the differences between the two movements are not discussed and the term SGNU is used for both Smart Growth and New Urbanism. One thing needs to be clarified is that SGNU emerged to join the postmodernism-versus-modernism debate but not a follower of...
On December 28, 2017, protests erupted throughout several cities in Iran. Initially, protesters showed their dissatisfaction toward rising prices, unemployment, and economic discrimination. They blamed the economic policies of President Hassan Rouhani’s government. However, after spreading dissent throughout the country, public discontent grew beyond economic...
Disobedience happens when the contrast between one’s inner beliefs and society’s norms collide. However, it can be seen as a starting act for an individual. It marks the beginning of an action that aligns with Emerson’s Transcendentalism. Such transcendentalism in America gradually allows the separation...
Cities permeate our global landscape, shaping the experiences of millions worldwide. However, while some urban environments captivate with their beauty and functionality, others struggle to provide a sense of coherence and navigation. In light of this, it becomes imperative to consider avenues for enhancing urban...
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Abstract Everyone in this world irrespective of their culture, status, age or background inevitably use public spaces but in today’s era the quality of public spaces had been disregarded and considered merely as “gaps between buildings”(Gaventa, S. 2006, p7). However, recently public spaces are regaining...
The term “generic” occurs in the end of the last century and it become related to different discourse about architecture and modern urban planning. The cultural, historical and social aspects of the local ideogram, as well as the character of the city is exponentially more...
The consequences of global warming are becoming more serious now that the change of climate is visible. Within the decade, not only have different types of disasters been occurring, but they have been increasing in different parts of the world. Within thirteen months, two mega...
Urban agriculture includes production, distribution, and marketing of food and other products within the cores of metropolitan areas. Examples include community, school, backyard, and rooftop gardens with a purpose extending beyond home consumption and education, urban market gardens, innovative food-production methods that maximize production in...
Nations prosperity is closely associated to the development of their cities and globally account for more than 80% of the world GDP. Cities play a vital role as hubs for employment, especially youth, innovation and peace in a country like Afghanistan, which has extremely affected...
Globalization has progressed over the past years in different fields such as migration, education, technology, travel, trade, knowledge, and spreading cultural influences. Globalization has on the whole been very beneficial for people and has had a positive impact in terms of politics, economy and culture...
CO2 and other toxic gases are being released into the air in large quantities from factories, manufacturing firms, transportation vehicles, and burning of fossil fuels by the residents themselves. As the country began to industrialize, many people from rural areas come to urban center mainly...
Although Algeria saw some uprisings in the early 2011, the scale and the outcome of these uprisings were not like those in Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt. The fact that the regime didnot change in Algeria during the Arab Spring of 2011 has made many think...
In early 2011, a wave of civil unrest swept across many Arab countries in northern Africa and southwest Asia. Long-held tensions surfaced once Mohamed Bouazizi sparked the Tunisian revolution by burning himself in protest of government corruption (Abouzeid). The Tunisian revolution acted as the impetus...