The first nuclear test was carried out by the United States in July 1945, followed by the Soviet Union in 1949, the United Kingdom in 1952, France in 1960, and China in 1964. The production, testing, and use of nuclear weapons can affect the social...
Feminism, as defined by Merriam-Webster, it is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes, and also organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interest. Feminism is obviously prevalent in the 21st century, and its active population is growing in...
Canada: A Nation of Diversity and Economic Growth Canada is a diverse, multicultural country with high life expectancy, excellent healthcare, and a GDP that is leading in comparison to many other countries. Canada’s unique identity starts with its remarkable sense of culture and customs. The...
The Persian Empire was an enormous empire that was originally under the supervision of Mesopotamia but during the sixth century B.C.E. the rulers of the land started a series of conquests to get out of from under the shadow. Of this empire there were four...
Eastern Market demonstrates the collision and merger of cultures, similar to how cultures once interacted along the Silk Road. In both cases, long-established marketplaces have brought people from across the world together in a place where their experiences and cultures can mix and fuse into...
Progressivism started off as a political movement with beliefs in government intervention. Progressives wanted to protect people’s rights against corruption and to fight against the effects of industrialisation. They appealed for social justice with causes such as women’s suffrage and protection of the environment. In...
The 1920s was a prosperous decade that included change in society and its actions politically and economically. This duration included a period of free living and new adventures. They danced until they dropped and women shared there fierce miniskirts with the public. It was a...
The deep-rooted diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Romania can be traced back centuries ago. On the 13 February 2015 both countries’ embassies celebrated 135 years of successful cooperation between the counterparts. Both of which are very fond of being able to...
WWI created hardship for not only the military, but for the entire world. The end of the war in 1918 was a relief for the American people, but not for the economy. War is extremely taxing on an economy. It raises national debt, inflation and...
The spirituality of Mother Teresa began for her at a very young time in her life. Born of a successful well known contractor. She learned at a very young age, the value of service. Mother Teresas family were Made-to-order essay as fast as you need...
Introduction The concept of death with dignity has been a topic of considerable debate in contemporary society. Some view it as an opportunity to end unbearable suffering, while others, echoing the sentiments of Mother Teresa, argue that it involves departing from this world with the...
By looking at the three perspectives of the Cuban Missile Crisis, it can be stated that the Cuban Missile Crisis was in fact an example of M.A.D.The reason for this is because a nuclear war was avoided due to both the Superpowers’ knowledge of the...
Introduction and History Launched in 2013, the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR or BRI) is a Chinese foreign policy of a transnational economic belt. The scale of the initiative is astonishing for it is so far the largest of its kind launched by one...
The Odyssey is a classic piece of literature. Most people know how the story goes, but only a handful of those people have read and deeply discussed the story. The truth is, most people (mainly from inexperience) feel that the story of Odysseus and his...
The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union emerged and developed after World War II, though its origins go back in history to the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. The Cold War was an ideological, economic, political and military confrontation, but it never...
Twentieth-century scholars of slavery have both slavery’s effects on the slave mentality and the development of culture (or lack thereof) and the existence of paternalism among the slave-holding class. However, authors such as Ulrich Phillips, Kenneth Stammp, and Eugene Genovese all approach the subject on...
Throughout most of human history, it has been difficult or even impossible to change social classes. Those born into poverty tended to remain there as slaves or peasants, and wealth tended to remain concentrated in the hands of the hereditary social elite. Although there have...
Introduction Humanity has been fortunate enough to make advancements in medicine as time goes on. Medicine, and the lack of it, plays an important role in Our Town. Emily’s death is a key part of the conflict in the play. The third act’s name isn’t...
Captivity and slave narratives allow insight into the trauma that the victim experiences; however, the victim’s narrative is often influenced and therefore, altered, to conform to the society’s pressures at that time. Focusing on the reception of the audience creates a struggle for the writer...