Health is a topic of the importance of which should not be underestimated. However, with such a huge amount of information available to the wide audience online, it is hard to make sense of all of the contradicting facts and theories. One day there is new research that suggests the ...Read More
Health is a topic of the importance of which should not be underestimated. However, with such a huge amount of information available to the wide audience online, it is hard to make sense of all of the contradicting facts and theories. One day there is new research that suggests the harmful impact of gluten on your body, the next day another research proves it wrong. So if you want to write some essays on this topic, it is better to rely on data that has been approved by the scientific community and is reliable. Check academic papers published in numerous journals of relevant scientific focus. Outline the issues you want to write about, make sure to build a clear structure in your essay, with a comprehensive introduction, main body, and conclusion. Getting acquainted with samples of similar writings will not hurt either.
When considering the notion of sexual encounters in prison, perhaps two key concepts come into mind: secrecy and aggression. With the aid of mass media, life behind bars has been portrayed as a world of danger, in which dominance has to be asserted for the...
Alcohol and drug treatment requires critical focus on the key characteristics of clients where they can be integrated into the society. There are always issues that need to be addressed in ensuring that the alcohol and drug treatment intervention that is put in place focuses...
The movie ‘Good Will Hunting’ describes a genius young Will, who solved the equations of the MIT mathematics professor Gerald on the blackboard and was discovered by Gerald. However, Will is a very violent and unsatisfied young man. When Gerald found this genius, he was...
Borderline personality disorder, also known as BPD and emotional dysregulation disorder, is defined as a mental disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships that can last anywhere from several years to a lifetime. Emotional dysregulation disorder most commonly effects people ages fourteen to sixty...
Every year, millions of people are dying due to a deficiency of healthy blood cells. They are suffering from a variety of illnesses – sickle cell anemia, cancer, hemophilia (just to name a few) – and are in need of blood donations that could save...
I was able to locate research adequately for borderline personality disorder and disorder features; however, I did find it challenging to obtain research specifically relating to the adolescent population featuring borderline personality symptoms. As I sifted through most of the research I recognized that diagnosing...
Introduction to Cultural Competence The book defines cultural competence as “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals that enables effective work in cross-cultural situations” (Cross et al., 1989). Cultural competence within the area of...
Poor eating habit is an issue that is concerned with public health. Food preferences are usually established in one’s early days, however people become more independent in their choice of intake as they grow older. Food selection is a phenomena where a person decides whether...
Food is a basic need that no man can live without, as survival depends on it. There are many kinds and types of food and, as every other aspect in life, there is food that is good for the body and food that harms the...
The journey to survival is often not as rosy as many would like it to be. This was no different for Sarah Murnaghan who had been suffering from cystic fibrosis since birth. Her condition was swiftly deteriorating as both her parents and the doctors never...
Introduction The D.A.R.E. Program has done a successful job in helping with the prevention of drug use in juveniles as well as assisting in the rehabilitation of those that have already walked down that path. The program has also been developed to help with the...
In chapter nine of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and in Business by Charles Duhigg, Duhigg introduces Angie Bachmann a stay at home mom that finds herself an intensely boring day after day. Over time, Bachmann starts to...
Introduction Chasing Heroin is a two-hour documentary that investigates America’s heroin crisis. The documentary details the opioid epidemic and how police officers, social workers, and public defenders are working to save the lives of addicts. The documentary explores the origins and continuing causes behind the...
The role of homeostasis is to maintain a constant internal environment within the body despite changes in the external environment. For example, the body is able to keep its core temperature, blood sugar levels and water balance relatively constant.This ensures the survival and functioning of...
Abstract The immune system works to destroy cancer and viruses throughout our life. When the immune system is weak or exposed to toxins or radiation, cancer cells develop quicker than the healthy cells can destroy them. Cancer is the result of mutation of genes that...
Many people in the United States—approximately 10% of the population—are without healthcare insurance. These same people, due to socioeconomic reasons, are the most likely of Americans to experience stress, one of the causes of illness, or at least one of the factors that increase vulnerability...
Introduction America has always been recognized as the land of opportunities or the land of prosperity. In fact, America was based on several revolutionary principals including “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. One of the biggest issues that America currently faces is its inadequate...
Introduction Leukemia is a psychosocial type of illness that results in the production of a high number of under-developed white blood cells called blasts. The subject is a 27-year-old Caucasian lady who was diagnosed with chronic leukemia after being admitted to a hospital with a...
On February 2nd, 2013 at Chicago Academy High School I participated in the Leukemia Lymphoma walk in the cold walk-a-thon. It was a great experience, and I’m glad I choose it as a service learning project. We walked around the neighborhood according to the map...