Health is a topic of the importance of which should not be underestimated. However, with such a huge amount of information available to the wide audience online, it is hard to make sense of all of the contradicting facts and theories. One day there is new research that suggests the ...Read More
Health is a topic of the importance of which should not be underestimated. However, with such a huge amount of information available to the wide audience online, it is hard to make sense of all of the contradicting facts and theories. One day there is new research that suggests the harmful impact of gluten on your body, the next day another research proves it wrong. So if you want to write some essays on this topic, it is better to rely on data that has been approved by the scientific community and is reliable. Check academic papers published in numerous journals of relevant scientific focus. Outline the issues you want to write about, make sure to build a clear structure in your essay, with a comprehensive introduction, main body, and conclusion. Getting acquainted with samples of similar writings will not hurt either.
Should medical marijuana be legalized? The controversy surrounding the use of marijuana leaves many unsure. However, is this stigma justified? After researching the issue and considering the pros and cons of the legalization of medical marijuana, I am inclined to believe that the bad reputation...
Marijuana has been a pretty controversial topic over the last few years, and up until recently there hasn’t been much change to its classification as an illegal substance. Over the past few years we’ve seen many states lifting jail sentences, approving it for medical use,...
Marijuana Legalization
Medical Marijuana
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Introduction Cutting across party lines, gender, education, and race; public support for marijuana legalization has increased significantly over the last decade. The United States has seen several states legalize this drug, like Colorado, and after the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, other state legislatures and...
This article by Alexander Tabarrok comes as a reaction to the increasing number of deaths as result of organ shortage. According to the article there is a huge shortage of organs and it has resulted in many deaths which could have been prevented if people...
Ethics Theories Part One Based on rights ethics, every citizen in the American population has the right to be vaccinated against the pandemic. However, the vaccine is only able to sustain and cover seventy percent of the population. From an ethical standpoint, such a scenario...
“Fast food chanins must bear some of the blame for the antion’s weight problem” (Goode 427). Corporations are not the cause of he growing obesity epidemic among children is caused by irresponsible parents not properly taking care of their children, not companies that are trying...
Introduction In today’s world, the number of people who need an organ due to a disease or a medical condition is increasing. The waiting time for an organ is often too long, leading many to lose hope. While some may think that patients should wait...
Introduction Vaccination refers to administering of an antigenic material mainly aimed at stimulating an individual’s immune system. This stimulation develops an immunity to particular pathogens that tend to cause harm to the body. Studies regarding vaccination suggest that the practice bears fruit in preventing of...
“Fast-food chains and food manufacturers must bear some of the blame for the country’s weight problem (Goode, 426).” All over America, people are surrounded by TV commercials and advertisements for the tastiest, cheapest and unhealthiest food you can find. With so many people being targeted...
Anorexia Nervosa is a mental illness, an eating disorder and a life threatening sickness that is often responsible for the people who do not receive enough nutrition for their bodies (National Eating Disorders Collaboration). This mental illness also causes people to be preoccupied in thinking...
Depression is widely known as a mood disorder which involves symptoms of frequent negative affect, decreased pleasure in activities that one used to enjoy, and an increased sense of self-guilt (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). However, as research has progressed in identifying variable treatment outcomes in...
Annotated Bibliography Khantzian examines both sides of my topic through his solidarity efforts in this article. As the title suggests, many addicts choose substances to help mask their pain and depression. He also states, that many of these drugs such as heroin and cocaine can...
Antisocial personality disorder is a continuous mental condition that alters a person’s thinking, perceptions of situation and relationships. These are quite dysfunctional and also destructive. Generally, people with this disorder have no morality. To them right and wrong do not matter, they reject the rights,...
Juvenescence perchance is an emotionally perplex and puzzling period in an individual’s life in which they may become engrossed with their apparent individual weaknesses, societal position, and image in which society perceives. In light of this abstraction, narcissistic tendencies such as self-centeredness and vulnerability to...
Introduction The investigation of the various determinants of human health as well as illnesses is dependent on various disciplines that range from a tripartite blend of scientific classes: biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, and public health sciences (Ahrens, & Pigeot, 2005). According to MacMahon and Pugh...
Ethics refers to the standard of wrong or right. Medical ethics forms one of the essential branches of medicine, because it is the guiding principle to a competent medical practitioner. It is a moral philosophy that entails conflicts in duties and their possible outcome. Often,...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be defined by the federal explanation in the united state authorized cod, Individual with Disability Education Act follow as, A child is classified as having ASD when the developmental disability significantly affect the teenager verbal and non-verbal communication or social...
A mutation is the changing of a gene’s structure, resulting in a various form that may be passed down throughout generations, that is caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or substitution of larger sections of the genes...
Vaccines have been integrated into modern medicine to eradicate the presence of deadly diseases. Vaccines are said to be the cause of decline of deaths of infectious diseases. Herd Immunity is a concept in which protecting a whole community from a disease by providing vaccines...