Introduction: Understanding Imperialism Did imperialism have a positive or negative impact? In this essay, I will explore this question, but first, we must define what imperialism is and examine some examples to give us a clearer idea of its implications. Imperialism can be defined as...
In the Oxford Handbook: Islam and Politics, Khaled Abou El Fadl identified conflicting views of two Arab states on the topic of revolution. The first view comes from Saudi Arabia citing the phenomenon to be un-Islamic, more so goes against the principles of Shari’a, Islamic...
There are many similarities and many differences between the musical masses of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Some of the comparisons may include: texture, rhythm, melody, and harmony. Today I am going to compare the masses between these time periods. A mass is a...
You wake up early for work and kill your family goodbye. On your daily transit you see a man drop a glass vial in the subway, but you think nothing of it. Moments later you become a statistic. A statistic of Bioterrorism. The threat of...
In early 2011, a wave of civil unrest swept across many Arab countries in northern Africa and southwest Asia. Long-held tensions surfaced once Mohamed Bouazizi sparked the Tunisian revolution by burning himself in protest of government corruption (Abouzeid). The Tunisian revolution acted as the impetus...
A plague is an infectious disease caused by Yersinia Pestis, a bacterium that is transmitted from rats to humans by the “oriental rat flea” (Xenopsylla cheopis).Transmission of Yersinia Pestis is possible through any of the following scenarios: droplet contact (coughing or sneezing upon another person),...
The epic poem Beowulf is one of the earliest examples of English literature. Originally written in Old English, the story has been translated and passed on for generations. The fundamental story line of the poem follows an Anglo-Saxon hero named Beowulf, who is responsible for...
French nobility had rather dynamic and wide shifting beliefs from the time leading up to the French Revolution till it had passed. These dynamic shifts in thought were caused largely by enlightenment which opened the eyes of some nobles to the realization that religion and...
The Trial of Louis XIV Louis XIV is widely known as the king who was executed at the end of the French Revolution. The common public executed him for what they believed to be treason, with a plethora of underlying legal, but unpopular reasons. But...
In chronological order, Beowulf’s most important plot points can be broken down into four crucial events: Beowulf’s weaponless battle with Grendel, Beowulf’s vindictive battle with Grendel’s mother, the stealing of the Dragon’s goblet, and ultimately, Beowulf’s fatal encounter with the Dragon. These four fundamental events...
Introduction to Imperialism Imperialism can be defined as a policy that helped foreign countries to expand their influence and territory through militarism or diplomacy. As we discussed in our World History class, this type of governance was different from colonialism because it forced the natives...
Renaissance history plays are also known as early English plays and they mainly refer to William Shakespeare’s plays or plays of other famous people who wrote plays in the past. They may also be referred to as Elizabethan because they were mostly performed during the...
Bring Out Your Dead When products of today run their course, we throw them in the trash and the Waste Management truck picks it up later. In fourteenth century Europe, however, people were discarded in the same manner. Western civilization saw a glimpse of a...
In the Medieval Era the Black Plague was more than just a thorn in a lion’s side. During the time, few people ever reached what is now our national life expectancy. The Black Plague’s success rate for fatality still haunts us to this day. The...
The Black Death may have been the greatest public health disaster in recorded history, sweeping through Europe, the Near East, and Africa during the mid-fourteenth century. It was so large and impactful that Europe lost approximately one-quarter to one-third of its population, which is comparable...
The Black Death: An Uncontrollable Catastrophe The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, Bubonic Plague, and sometimes just “The Plague,” was one of the worst diseases to hit Europe back in the 14th century. According to modern historians, the Black Plague killed between...
In this essay I would like to analyse is Cao Yu’s most influential play Thunderstorm which was written in 1934. Both texts In this text, there would be great emphasis on feminism and the darkness of the feudal society. We begin with the master of...
The Black Death of 1348 was the greatest biomedical disaster in world history. In only three years the Bubonic plague killed a third of people in Europe (Cantor, pg. 6). Due to a lack of general medical knowledge the plague was easily able to spread...
The Renaissance was a time period in Europe that existed from the 14th to 17th centuries. The Renaissance resulted in many impacts, but the greatest impact of the renaissance is technological advancements. Technological advancements such as the steam engine, the printing press, telescope, mechanical cloth,...