Understanding eukaryotic cells is essential for grasping the complexities of life as we know it. Eukaryotic cells are distinguished by their internal structures known as organelles, each playing a unique role in maintaining cellular functions. In this essay, we'll explore the significance of these organelles...
When we think about our bodies and how they heal or grow, it’s easy to overlook the intricate dance of hormones at play. Among these hormones, one stands out when discussing cell reproduction and healing: growth hormone. This powerful hormone plays a crucial role in...
Introduction Macromolecules are large, complex molecules that are essential to various biological processes and functions. These molecules, which include proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, play critical roles in the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. As the building blocks of...
Understanding Osmosis Through the Potato Experiment The potato experiment, a staple in biology classes, is not just a fun activity; it’s a hands-on way to explore the fascinating principles of osmosis and the behavior of plant cells in various environments. During this experiment, we typically...
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are the two main types of cells that make up all living organisms. Despite their differences, there are several striking similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that point to their shared evolutionary history. This essay will explore these similarities in depth...
Within the realm of biology, biomolecules are the building blocks of life. These molecules play a crucial role in the structure, function, and regulation of all living organisms. From the DNA that encodes genetic information to the proteins that carry out essential cellular processes, biomolecules...
“Process during which large member if small molecules are combine to form macro molecules is called polymerization. Small molecules are called monomers and large molecules are called polymers”. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique...
The first step in diagnosing a disease is observe signs and special symptoms of this disease symptoms of HL include: Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Symptoms...
Many illnesses are hereditary; for instance, Huntington’s and Cystic Fibrosis. Other illnesses affected by genes, such as diabetes and cancer. Many advancements make it workable for a solution to target such hereditarily related infections at the sub-atomic levels, and along these lines offer the possibilities...
Liposomes serve to administer nutrients straight inside the cells. Vitamins and minerals are condensed inside tiny lipid bubbles, named liposomes. Liposomes are bilayer/double-layer bubbles filled with liquid, and constituted using phospholipids. Over 5 decades ago, researchers first learnt that these bubbles could be packed with...
Bladder Cancer that is in an early stage of growth may not produce any noticeable signs or symptoms. The most common sign of BC is hematuria (bloody urine; urine that appears bright red or rusty) usually is painless and may appear only from time to...
Nerve cells also are known as neurons transmit and receive electro nerve impulses. They can be found all over the body and are connected all over the body, but can mostly be found near around the Central Nervous System. They are connected to other neurons...
Functional RNAs are produced through modification of pre-RNA produced from transcription process except bacterial mRNAs which are as such used for protein synthesis without any modification. These series of modification involving removal of introns by splicing are known as processing of RNA. Made-to-order essay as...
In the first experiment, our results supported the hypothesis that T. zuluensis reacts differently on exposure of light. However, it did not grow best in the darkness. The growth of pathogen was significantly different under different volumes of light and dark incubation. The growth under...
Introduction Anatomical variations in the nose and paranasal sinus region are common. local anatomic variations including deviated nasal septum, Concha bullosa, paradoxical middle turbinate,uncinate deviation,agger nasi and others may be the source of middle meatal obstruction and subsequent rhinosinusitis. Made-to-order essay as fast as you...
The microtubule cytoskeleton also participates in the maintenance of epithelial planar polarity by modulating mitotic spindle orientation. The organization of epithelial cells to form hollow organs with a single lumen entails that each cell divides symmetrically within the epithelial plane, so that both resulting daughter...
As human beings, our body faces modifications and variations all the time due to fluctuations in both our external and internal environments. Therefore, there is a constant need for adaptation to these changes in order to keep cells alive and the entirety of our body...
The famous scientist William J. Mayo (1928) once said “The aim of medicine is to prevent disease and prolong life, the ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need of a physician. ” With the the help of technologies available and being developed today we...
The apoplastic pathway or also knowned as a non-living pathways provides a direction toward the vascular stele through free spaces and cell walls of the epidermis and cortex. In addition,the apoplastic route allows direct access to the xylem and phloem along the margins of secondary...
A collection of cells performing a specific function is called tissue. Plant tissues can be grouped into plant tissue systems each performing specialized functions. A plant tissue system is defined as a functional unit, connecting all organs of a plant. Plant tissue system is also...
A cell’s ability to respond to its environment is essential to its survival. Short term-responses to environmental stimuli, which can occur rapidly and are usually reversible, most often result from modification of existing proteins. The long-term response, are usually the result of changes in the...
Introduction In the early years of scientific investigations in the field of heredity, the methods used to obtain data were considered genetical but once the physical basis of genetic conditions were recognized several studies were performed using methods of both cytology and genetics, using the...
Introduction Let’s see in detail how these two cellular divisions differ from each other: Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Cell Division Mitosis involves only one division...
Altered expression of glycans on the cell surface can act as markers of various diseases including cancer and AIDS. Identification of these altered glycans can be easily achieved by using glycan binding proteins, specifically antibodies and lectins. Therefore, it is always important to identify and...
More than 90% of of cancer related mortality is caused by metastasis. To develop new therapeutic strategies it is vital to understand the initiation and progression of metastasis. To identify and isolate metastasis initiating tumour-cells scientists developed a fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)-based array. There are...
Salmonella bacteria is a rod-shape motile bacterium. Its structure contains: Flagellum tail-like structure that allows the bacteria to swim/move around in liquid environment by moving the tail in wave motion. Cell wall that allows the bacteria to keep its shape rounded tube shape. DNA contains...
The basic leucine zipper transcription factor C/EBPa, required for the in vivo transition of common myeloid progenitor-to-GM progenitor. Myelomonocyte cell-type features are educed by the ectopic expression of C/EBPa in primary bone marrow cells, lymphocytes or in fibroblasts, where C/EBPa function along with PU.1, as...
Introduction to Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) is a molecular diagnostic technique that allows visualization of specific chromosome nucleic acid sequences within a cellular preparation. It involves the precise annealing of a fluorescence-labeled DNA probe to complementary targeted sequences. Thus, the genes...
“ Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay The cell cycle is the process in which a cell goes through leading to the duplication of its DNA and...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality. Presently, various cytologic diagnostic techniques are being used in the evaluation of suspected lung neoplasms. Though the initial diagnosis of malignancy can be made based on clinico-radiological grounds, but the definitive diagnosis needs cytological or histopathological...