Introduction to Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) is a molecular diagnostic technique that allows visualization of specific chromosome nucleic acid sequences within a cellular preparation. It involves the precise annealing of a fluorescence-labeled DNA probe to complementary targeted sequences. Thus, the genes...
Genetically modified organisms have become a highly controversial topic in science despite the fact that people have been changing the genes of crops for years. It begs the question as to why the topic has become an issue. Genetic Engineering mainly referrers to methods that...
Man by nature is a fighting animal, hence to think of a crimeless society is a myth. Truly speaking, there is no society without the problem of crime and criminals. The existence of crime is established from the time of Adam. The Bible and the...
Introduction: The Evolution of Maize and Modern Genetic Modification Approximately ten thousand years ago, maize was domesticated by Mesoamerican peoples. This domestication was so successful that maize, which began as a plant called teosinte, became an entirely different crop, now known as corn (Hirst, n.d.)....
Abstract This paper looks at the overall process of gene drive and its methods. First the reader will be given a brief overview of the concept of gene drive along with a description of how gene drive systems can be used to manipulate patterns of...
CRISPR/Cas9 is a method of gene editing that relies on an endonuclease and eukaryotic DNA repair mechanisms. Shorthand for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats1, CRISPR originally existed as a natural immunity of bacteria against viral infection. Since the discovery of CRISPR researchers have been...
War On Food When genetically modified food was first introduced in the 20th century, it was a break through for mankind. Imagine, being able to eat any type of fruit or vegetable all year round! Sounds pretty amazing at first, right? I beg to differ....
The Bees are Disappearing… In today’s society it’s rather uncommon for a grocery store to carry nutrition that is purely organic due to the fact that nearly 60-70% of all processed foods have genetically modified ingredients. This would especially include anything that contains the infamous...
Definition and Origins of Eugenics Eugenics, Webster’s English Dictionary defines this word as, “A science that deals with the improvement of hereditary qualities in a series of generations of a race or breed esp. By social control of human mating and reproduction” (Webster’s Third New...
Whether it is used to overcome the growing population’s hunger or to modernize agriculture and livestock practices, GMOs offer significant benefits in the current era. Evolution has always played a crucial role in everything that occurs on and near planet Earth. Eventually, these improvements have...
Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that causes excess iron to build up in the body. There are 4 types of hemochromatosis but the most common is classic hemochromatosis, or HHC. HHC is caused by a mutation in the gene HFE. While present in the body...
Abstract DNA can be transferred by touch. This touch DNA is used to gain information to help with criminal investigations, disaster victim identification or eve missing persons (Sankhla and Kumar, 2017). The significance value of DNA profiling had increased in forensic investigations over time and...
The ACE gene provides instructions for making a protein called angiotensin-converting enzyme. This converts a hormone called angiotensin I to another form called angiotensin II. Angiotensin II serves to control blood pressure and may also influence skeletal muscle function. The ACE gene possesses a variation...
Abstract The starter could be a little piece of RNA else DNA (to the most part as for 18-22 edges) which are a place to start the DNA amalgamation. It is utilized to make duplicates if DNA in light of the fact that the opsin...
The significance of plant hereditary assorted variety (PGD) is presently being perceived as a particular zone since detonating populace with urbanization and diminishing cultivable terrains are the basic variables adding to sustenance instability in creating world .plant genetics researchers understood that PGD can be caught...
What is WAGR Syndrome? WAGR Syndrome is an uncommon disease that can affect both genders. It is more common for babies to be born with the syndrome, rather than getting diagnosed with the disease later on in life. The babies that are born with WAGR...
Advances in technology have a great influence on scientific thinking about evolutionary relationships. Technology advancements allowed more updated and accurate tests to be done so difference can be distinguished between species. Fossil records, comparative anatomy and pattern of embryonic development where the main rescores used...
The history of paternity and maternity traces back to the 1800’s when they used the child’s iris pigment to identify the biological parents. The paternity or maternity quality was questioned when the child looked significantly different from the “alleged” biological parents. At that time very...
There is little understood about the frequency of mutations caused by plant transformation and the potential biosafety hazards they pose on crop species. Plant transformation is often used for breeding of commercial crop by inserting transgenes into plant chromosomal DNA. However, the transgene insertion is...