The arrangement of the dermal micro flora varies from site to site according to the atmosphere of the microenvironment. A different bacterial flora illustrates each of three regions of skin: Axilla, perineum, and toe webs, Hand, face and trunk, Upper arms and legs Made-to-order essay...
The company reported a consolidated net profit of ₹1,019 crore in the three months ended 1 October. That compares with the ₹1,660 crore profit estimate by analysts in a Bloomberg survey. In the same quarter last year, Tata Steel had reported a loss of ₹...
In order for new plants to grow, seeds need to be distributed to different areas away from the parent plants. A disadvantage of plants compared to animals is that plants cannot physically get up and move themselves to different places. Made-to-order essay as fast as...
There is little understood about the frequency of mutations caused by plant transformation and the potential biosafety hazards they pose on crop species. Plant transformation is often used for breeding of commercial crop by inserting transgenes into plant chromosomal DNA. However, the transgene insertion is...
Vegetative, or asexual reproduction in plants, is a type of reproduction process. It involves a new organism being created by splitting or taking a bit of a ‘parent’ organism. The part of the stem that forms new roots and shoots is called a node. These...
Mitosis and meiosis are both forms of cell division, however, their processes are not identical. Mitosis happens in somatic cells (cells that are not gametes), and it produces two genetically identical daughter cells. Mitosis happens to replace dead or damaged cells or during growth. Mitosis...
The Bradford Assay is a form of colorimetric and spectroscopic analysis developed to determine the concentration of a protein; in an aqueous solution. Produced by Marion Bradford in 1976, it was an innovation of its time due to various factors including its simplicity, fast results,...
Before I clarify how radiation can have an effect on plant-life, I must first explain what radiation is, and how it is able to affect substances. Radiation comes from many places, from the Sun, to things individual makes like cell phones, TV’s, radios and much...
Bonsai is the art of growing trees in small pots, cultivating the look of the tree to be any design that is desired. This art was developed in Japan and Asia by those seeking to enhance the beauty of their gardens. It was originally an...
Many people are not aware of the many health and wellbeing benefits of common household plants and flowers. They have many hidden benefits such as improving air quality, soothing burns, improving sleep and easing anxiety. We wanted to bring you a list of some of...
New research is spurring exciting developments showing the presence of trillions of bacteria that survive inside our body and how this bacterium affects our genes. Science is driving us all nuts with such mind blowing yet fascinating information regarding new developments. We have always known...
The Anna Kournikova worm Anna Kournikova (named by its author as “Vbs.OnTheFly Created By OnTheFly”) was a computer worm written by a 20-year-old Dutch student named Jan de Wit who called himself ‘OnTheFly’ on February 11, 2001. It was designed to trick email users into...
You’ve probably heard of bamboo furniture or other structures and the fact that this is an eco-friendly material, considerably superior to others based on the particular criteria. But is this actually true? Well, yes and no but mostly yes. Like with any other material, there...
MHC class I molecules present peptides which bind to the T cell receptors of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. These are found on the cell surface of almost all nucleated cells in the body which enable the T cells to distinguish between “self” and foreign antigens. This...
Inflammation is a part of our biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants that causes itchiness, and it’s a protective reaction of our body concerning immune cells, blood vessels, and molecular mediators. The work of inflammation is...
Cold tolerance is the result of complex physiological mechanisms involving many cell and plant traits. Plants differ in their tolerance to chilling (0-15 ºC) and freezing ( Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences...
Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids that can be made by both animals and plants. There are two form of these acids known as essential fatty acids and nonessential fatty acids, depending on how these chemicals are obtained. According to Rudin and Felix...
Embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors....
Introduction to Blood Types There are four major types of blood: A, B, AB, and O. What blood type you have depends on the antigens present on your red cells and the antibodies in your plasma; more on that later. Blood type is hereditary and...