On January 28, 1986, the world watched in horror as the space shuttle Challenger tragically exploded just 73 seconds after liftoff, claiming the lives of all seven crew members on board. In the aftermath of this devastating event, President Ronald Reagan delivered a speech that...
In the realm of early American history, the names Sewall and Edwards are often mentioned in discussions of colonial society and religion. Samuel Sewall, a prominent judge in colonial Massachusetts, and Jonathan Edwards, a renowned theologian and preacher, represent two distinct perspectives that shaped the...
In the early 19th century, a man by the name of Sam Patch captivated audiences across America with his daring and death-defying leaps from heights previously thought impossible. As a working-class figure who defied social norms and challenged the boundaries of his time, Patch’s story...
The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 have long captured the imagination of scholars and the public alike, serving as a cautionary tale of mass hysteria, fear, and injustice. From accusations of witchcraft to the executions of innocent individuals, this dark chapter in American history continues...
The Panic of 1819 stands as a pivotal moment in American economic history, marking the first major financial crisis to hit the young nation. As the United States emerged from the War of 1812 with hopes of economic prosperity, it instead faced a period of...
The Nirnia v. Orenthal James Simpson Case remains one of the most infamous and polarizing legal battles in American history. From the shocking murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman to the dramatic courtroom theatrics that captivated the nation, this case continues to spark...
The New Deal, implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression, is often praised for its positive impact on the American economy and society. However, it is essential to also consider the negative effects that this sweeping set of government programs...
Introduction to Manifest Destiny Back in the 19th century, Americans were gripped by this idea called Manifest Destiny. Ever heard of it? It was more than just politics or money—it was a belief. Folks thought that America was meant to stretch from coast to coast,...
Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay Colony: A Comparative Look Introduction: A Tale of Two Colonies When we look at the early American colonies, two places really stand out because they were super different in how they got started and what they did for the New World....
In the early 20th century, the United States embarked on a bold social experiment that would forever alter the landscape of American history: prohibition. This era, marked by the nationwide ban on the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages, aimed to curb the perceived...
On December 7, 1941, the United States of America was forever changed by the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This act of aggression by the Japanese forces marked the beginning of the country’s involvement in World War II. Day Of Infamy, written by Walter Lord,...
Introduction The Industrial Revolution in America brought about significant changes that transformed the fabric of society in profound ways. From the late 18th to the early 19th century, industrialization revolutionized the economy, infrastructure, and social dynamics of the nation. This period marked a shift from...
Mercantilism, a prevailing economic theory in Europe during the early modern period, emphasized the importance of accumulating wealth and power through favorable balances of trade. This economic philosophy guided state policies aimed at increasing exports, limiting imports, and amassing precious metals to strengthen national economies....
Ever thought about how living things manage to hang on in all sorts of places? It’s all about adaptation. This is the magic trick that helps them adjust to whatever nature throws their way. In this essay, we’re gonna dive into the five ways organisms...
S.C. Gwynne’s book, “Empire of the Summer Moon,” dives into the rough and tumble history of the Comanche tribe. These folks were tough as nails and gave white settlers a run for their money out in the American West. The story is set on the...
The Truman Doctrine, announced by President Harry S. Truman in 1947, marked a pivotal moment in American foreign policy and set the stage for the Cold War. This doctrine represented a shift in U.S. strategy towards containment of communism and intervention in global affairs. The...
When examining the early settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth, one cannot help but be intrigued by the stark differences between these two colonial ventures. While both were established by English settlers in the early 17th century, their experiences and outcomes were vastly distinct. Jamestown, founded...
Introduction Patrick Kearney is a figure wrapped in mystery and intrigue, with a life story just begging to be explored. From his early days growing up in Texas to becoming a notorious serial killer in California, Kearney’s biography is a dark and complex tale. This...
Introduction Prohibition, a controversial topic that has sparked countless debates and discussions throughout history, continues to be a subject of interest and contention in contemporary society. From the temperance movement of the late 19th century to the failed experiment of the Prohibition era in the...