With industrialism looming and the first transcontinental railroad on the verge of completion, the notorious Collis P. Huntington laughed all the way to the bank as he had just invested in the railroad-building venture that would begin one of the most oppressive monopolies in American...
The industrial revolution in America witnessed the rise of numerous influential figures, among whom Jay Gould holds a controversial position. Born into poverty in 1836 in New York, Gould’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a prominent railroad executive, financier, and speculator is a testament...
Introduction No one would have believed that the American Civil War would turn into the deadliest war in American history. It was not a war that people anticipated, but it was a conflict between the Confederate States (South) and the Union (North). The Civil War...
Soon after Santa Anna overturned Mexico’s democratic constitution and started a dictatorship. In the year 1853 Douglas suggested forming 2 new territories- the Kansas Territory and the Nebraska Territory. Mexican Cession land & Manifest Destiny achieved- Under the treaty, Mexico recognized the annexation of Texas...
Envision a period, not very far in the past, when on account of the color of your skin, you had a ‘proprietor’ and were treated as a bit of property, rather than another person. A period where you couldn’t go into specific spots, sit in...
The author Don E. Fehrenbacher was a professor of American History at Stanford University. He won the 1979 Pulitzer Prize for the Dred Scott Case and also won the 1977 Pulitzer Prize for ‘The Impending Crisis”. He earned his Doctorate in American History from University...
The 19th century stood witness to the rapid change, near-suicide, and the rough re-healing of our nation. Throughout such, the interpretation and implementation of the rule of law was at the forefront. Henry David Thoreau, a prominent member of the Transcendentalist movement, posed the question,...
Introduction Andrew Jackson announced, “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.” As a major political power in the United States during his presidential reign from 1829-1837, Jackson himself can be...
Introduction The concept of a moral compass can be quite the subjective realm when considering the management of a nation. Take for example the decision by U.S. president Harry S. Truman, to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, ending the Second World War. Even more...
Throughout the history of the United States there have been many horrible events, in my opinion, the most tragic of all was the Trail of Tears. Also known as the Indian Removal Act, it took place at the beginning of the 1800’s. In the eyes...
Introduction There is no doubt that Andrew Jackson had a strong hatred for all Indians during his era. His hatred was so strong that he made the removal of these tribes one of his main priorities. Jackson thought the absolute worst about the Indians and...
American History
Andrew Jackson
Indian Removal Act
Introduction The Indian Removal Act of 1830 authorized the United States government to relocate Native Americans to the west of the Mississippi River with promises of support and compensation for their losses. While the majority of Native Americans moved voluntarily, others resisted or did not...
American History
Indian Removal Act
Native American
The role of the international trade in the American foreign policy before the year 1914 can be divided into two major facts other than the major points mentioned in the book’s chapter for the past two decades, and this was according to the journal published...
Historians’ viewpoints about the factors that lead to the Spanish-American War changed over time because different presidents, professors, naval officers and even journalists had different takes on it at different time periods. Like anyone would have different point of views on the topic, the documents...
The factors that have led to American involvement in imperialism are military strengths, new markets, and the trust of cultural superiority. The whole reason for the Spanish American war is because of the Cubans wanting their freedom from Spain, imperialism growing and lastly the sinking...
Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the “World” newspaper was the main competitor against Will Randolph Hearst, publisher of the “Journal” newspaper. This struggle to be the best would later start the issues that lead to the Spanish-American War. The yellow kid comics were first sold to...
California’s history goes back many years and has evolved in so many ways. California is a well-populated state that, by being multicultural but also rich in various resources, appeals to the masses. There was plenty of space for capital, job opportunities, and expansion of land...
Introduction Who invented the Transcontinental Railroad? Well, from my research I learned that Asa Whitney made the idea of the Railroad and Theodore Judah created the Railroad and Aba Lincoln helped make it all happen. In the Railroad, there were lots of Laws, Dangers, and...
The Gilded age began after the conclusion of the Civil War and Reconstruction. It spanned starting from the late 1860s until the late 1890s. The Gilded Age is defined as the time period that the United States economy and population grew rapidly. It brought along...
American History
Gilded Age
Transcontinental Railroad