The American Revolution: A Complex Struggle Beyond Ideals The American Revolution was not only the idealistic fight for liberty and freedom that it is usually portrayed as; it was also an expansive conflict that led to many casualties on both sides. However, this conflict was...
The novel The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck is about the social injustices that took place during the Dust Bowl migration in the western United States. It is composed of a third person view of a family, the Joads, who are kicked off their...
The Dust Bowl of the 1930’s was an unfortunate combination of natural occurrences, mixed with the nation’s over aspiring greed. Our country began westward expansion with the dream of advancing product sea to sea. Our ancestors saw what the land had to offer, and wasted...
York, Captain William Clark’s black “manservant,” accompanied the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific Ocean and back to the East (1803-1806). William Clark’s life-long slave companion, York and William were roughly the same age. He had been bequeathed to William by his father, John...
The History of the American Flag The flag of the United States represents many things that current citizens may never be aware of during their lifetime. The history of our flag is remarkable as that of the America Republic. The origin of the flag up...
Heel to heel with the end of the Civil War, the Gilded Age was a baptism of sorts; it was freedom’s debut and moral consciousness’ rebirth. Slavery was well on its way to becoming a blemish of a freedom-loving country, and the practices of American...
In the period between 1860 and 1890, the government and society of the United States experienced what some historians call “The Second American Revolution” (Foner, Brief 4th ed, p 417). The Civil War and Reconstruction transformed a “union” into a “nation,” shifted an agrarian society...
The Dust Bowl, also known as the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s; severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent wind...
One of the countries that assume high responsibility as far as drug control in the world is concerned is the United State of America. The country has invested heavily in combating the vice of drug abuse and peddling, aside from establishing an international wide network...
Prohibition in the Great Gatsby symbolizes the resistance of the American people. F. Scott Fitzgerald gives the readers an inside look to the 1920’s. The Great Gatsby is brimming with the resistance of the alcohol bans set in place by the U.S. government. Made-to-order essay...
Sea Piracy has been an issue since the 15th century to the 16th century, which is dubbed to be the Golden Age of Piracy. This is due to the lack of unified body to form an agreeable law of the sea to combat sea piracy....
The Great Depression affected women and men in quite different ways. The economy of the period relied heavily on so-called “sex-typed” work, or work that employers typically assigned to one sex or the other. And the work most directly associated with males, especially manufacturing in...
When we look at American history even black history, our past doesn’t tell us much about black people who played a significant role in the development of the American West. It seems like all the major accomplishments that black men and women made out West...
The 18th Century WorldThe thirteen colonies of British North America are grouped into four regions such as New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, the Chesapeake Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. Each of these regions began differently, and they continued on diverse paths of development over...
Back in colonial Massachusetts, regular people were accused of being involved in witchcraft or linked to the devil. The Salem Witch Trials lasted in the period between 1692 and 1693, where over 200 people were accused. However, only 20 individuals were put to death for...
The Salem Witch trials were a series of court trials where many people were accused and held responsible for witchcraft from 1692-1693 and in some places even later. These trails went on to become an unforgettable piece of history, one in which we can still...
“The Crucible”, written by Arthur Miller explores the madness of the Salem witch trials of 1692. The story revolves around the characters John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams, Reverend Parris, the 10 girls and others. The judges play an important role for which they possess...
Even a year after the first shots of the revolution, Congress was still debating between independence or reconciliation with Great Britain. When the delegates of the Second Continental Congress agreed on independence, the Congress constituted Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston as...
Declaration Of Independence Outline Introduction Introduction to the importance of literature materials in recording American history Mention of The Declaration of Independence as a historical document Summary of The Declaration of Independence Overview of the historical context and reasons for its creation Brief description of...