One of the biggest and most affluent nations on the planet, the United States of America, has experienced numerous adjustments in its long history. From winning its autonomy from Great Britain to show day, America has changed significantly and keeps on evolving. A term initially...
Ever wondered how America became like it is now? Brave men with the leadership of George Washington came together to fight for independence for America, the British. George Washington was an important person in the Revolutionary war because he didn’t back down. Washington led the...
Did you know during the dust bowl people’s homes were covered in dust therefore they could barely see the floor? The dust bowl affected many people and their everyday lives. Passage 1 is Letters From the Dust Bowl by Caroline A. Henderson, passage 2 is...
Though previous attempts at racial equality created little social change, the Civil Rights Movement was a largely successful social movement. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay The...
“The laws and amendments of Reconstruction reflected the intersection of two products of the Civil War era — a newly empowered national state, and the idea of a national state, and the idea of a national citizenry enjoying equality before the law.”(Foner, 460) From 1865...
“All persons held as slaves within any States…shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” Signed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was created for any and all the enslaved men and women to be set free. Afterward, the idea of Reconstruction came along....
The Progressive Era was a period where change was necessary in all aspects. The definition of Progressive is when something is “happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step”. So the main goals during this Era, was to have the option to...
There is no doubt that to live in America during the early 1930s was more than complicated. This was a time laced with hardships and uncertainty to all Americans. With fear always looming overhead, the choice between Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt was the...
The Progressive Movement impacted America in many ways. At the start of the progressive era there were many different problems including, terrible working conditions, women didn’t have any rights, immigration, industrialization, political corruption, urbanization, and alcohol was a big problem. The United States had lots...
The use of slaves and indentured servants for heavy labor rapidly grew during the eighteenth century with the increased demand for cash crops such as tobacco and cotton, the exchanging of slaves through the middle passage, and the expansion of plantations throughout the colonies. Slaves...
During the late nineteenth century New York City was the center of American modernization. This period, dubbed the gilded age, ran from the 1870s through the 1890s, during which time the city blossomed both industrially, and economically due to rapid development, and an influx of...
Introduction The late 19th and early 20th centuries stand as a pivotal period in American history, marked by profound transformations across various facets of the nation’s institutions, including economic, cultural, political, and social dimensions. The Progressive Era played a central role in reshaping American society...
In the early portion of the year 2020, the U.S. (and the world) has been struck with the worst case of a disease in a long time, in the form of the coronavirus. Through our struggles with this new virus, we can hope to better...
During the Gilded Age, the nation was quickly transformed into an urban, industrial power. New transportation and communication networks were being created and technology advancements gave way to a new economy. These extreme changes could only come at the expense of America’s agrarian community. Farmers...
Introduction Bacon’s Rebellion proved to be a turning point during the colonial United States because it was a sudden revolt from Indentured Servants and slaves. Although the rebellion failed, it caused panic among the elite Virginians and forced the elite to create countermeasures regarding slave...
“Dust Bowl: Southern Plains in the 1930s” by Donald Worster gives an intriguing outlook on the plains during the Great Depression that was happening in the United States. Worster writes about the major dust storms and how people were affected by said storms during this...
After four years of conflict, the first World War was finally over. Americans emerged with economic prosperity and cultural change known as the “Roaring 20s”. America’s economy boosted drastically. US troops were back from World War I and with women entering the work force meant...
Introduction In May of 1945, Nazi Germany surrendered, thus marking the beginning of the end of World War II. The already uneasy wartime alliance between the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union began to unravel. By 1948, the Soviets had established left-wing governments...
The society of the United States during the Cold War era experienced peace and prosperity; yet what also came with it was fear, instability, and a security threat of nuclear fallout on the horizon of everyday lives to not only US citizens, but to the...