“War is what happens when language fails” said Margaret Atwood. Throughout history and beyond, war has been contemplated differently form one nation to another, or even, one person to another. While some people believe in what war stands for, which is the “resolution” to all...
Racial profiling is the act of targeting an individual for the suspicion of crime based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. Imagine being wrongfully committed of a crime that you did not commit. Imagine being followed around because the color of your skin...
President Nixon’s “war on drugs” began in the early 1970s to reduce the illegal drug trade in the United States, but instead tragically changed the lives of millions of Black and Latino people forever. Because of this war on drugs, Black and Latino people were...
Introduction: America’s history with drugs can be traced back to the 1800’s when opium surged in popularity following the American Civil War. Drugs were an integral part of American life with heroin being used medicinally to treat respiratory illnesses and cocaine being an ingredient in...
The Reconstruction era was a tumultuous period in the history of the United States. The Union victory during the Civil War in 1865 awarded African American slaves their freedom. During this time, it appeared as though the freed slaves would socially and politically assimilate themselves...
The United States of America is a country that was founded on racism. It is a country founded on the brutal, harmful work of African Americans, who were stripped from their homes to help build this nation. African Americans have endured two centuries of slavery,...
Look around us. Today, one major topic that society always has and probably always will struggle with is the global issue of racism. According to Pierre Berton, “Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and...
What is thanksgiving to you? When most people think of this beloved holiday, they think of having a huge feast with loved ones who are gathered at the table. Envisioning celebrating love, hope, and happiness during this day. But there were many rebellions, which led...
Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery” delves into the disturbing depths of human nature, offering a chilling commentary on the propensity of societies to engage in senseless violence and persecution. To some extent, the idea of planned and deliberate retribution at the heart of “The...
Living in a society propelled by growth certainly has its advantages. Today, we are blessed to have the internet. The times of heading off to the library to take out books, and talking with an attendant at a desk for their aid in researching topics...
Sojourner Truth initially named Isabella Baumfree was born in Hurley New York ninety miles North of New York City seven miles west of the Hudson River in 1797 enslaved. Isabella was the property of a few slave-owners and first sold for $100 at ten years...
Freed woman Sojourner Truth, a compelling woman speaker for slavery, gives her famous speeches in many different areas. She traveled many different areas preaching about women right’s and about the evil of slavery. She claimed the Lord gave her the name, as he called upon...
Sojourner Truth Outline Introduction Introduction to Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I a Woman” Mention of its historical context and significance Statement of the essay’s purpose: analyzing the effectiveness of rhetorical strategies in the speech Connecting to the Audience Ethos: Discussion of how Truth uses her...
“If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down, these women together ought to be able to turn it right again.” Sojourner Truth is remembered as perhaps the most influential figure in the abolition and women’s rights movements....
The newly founded American Republic was an experiment that challenged the strength of a representative government based on democratic principles. The resilience, perseverance, and diversity of George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were all factors that led the new nation into its success. However,...
Political power is the ability to influence or control the actions of individuals, and the scope of this influence determines the extent of political power one wields. In the late 19th century, the United States found itself in possession of newfound political power after emerging...
Introduction In “The Declaration of Independence,” Thomas Jefferson calls for the separation of the American colonists from the grips of an abusive and tyrannical England. He makes his position clear to the colonists and, most importantly, the world by using persuasive appeals, syntax, and diction....
During the time of the 1850s slavery was an issue that was common which included the use of sexual abuse towards the women. In the book “Celia, A Slave,” the author, Melton A. McLaurin helps exhibit the powerful and impacting story about the tragedies of...
Slavery has been around for thousands of years and seems it will be staying in our world until we as human beings decide to solve this problem -not just in one country or a handful of nations – but to put an end to it...