Books are arguably the greatest invention made by humans. The appearance of the first books goes back thousands of years ago. Its evolution to thee-books of today have come a long way from clay tablets, scrolls, bamboo manuscripts and papyrus texts, by means of the later novelty of printing, and ...Read More
Books are arguably the greatest invention made by humans. The appearance of the first books goes back thousands of years ago. Its evolution to thee-books of today have come a long way from clay tablets, scrolls, bamboo manuscripts and papyrus texts, by means of the later novelty of printing, and recent invention of typewriters and reading tablets. The history of the cultural development of humankind as a species rests upon a book and its history. If you want to investigate essay topics on books further, rely on the papers and essays on this theme from respectable sources. Outline the structure of your future works on books essay topics, and make sure to have a look at samples of similar works available via various services; focus on the introduction and a conclusion of your writings on books essay topics.
In the play All My Sons by Arthur Miller, Kate Keller - Joe’s wife, and Chris’ as well as Larry’s mother – shows the audience that, at the end of the day, she is still mainly concerned about her own family instead of about paying...
World War I was a conflict fueled by territorial desires and nationalism. This very sentiment is captured in Erich Remarque’s novel All Quiet on the Western Front. In the novel, the main characters, all young soldiers, come to understand that war is not glorious and...
Title: A Universal Loss of Innocence: Remarque’s “All Quiet on the Western Front” Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Author: Katherine Perry Words: 1,139 Written: January 23,...
The map is not the territory, the sculpture is not the subject, and the sequential arrangement of black marks on a white page or screen (or red ochre on a cave wall) is not the reality it attempts to depict. Every recorded human experience has...
Perhaps nothing is more frequent in the pages of history books than wars. Since the beginning of time, men have fought to hold their ground and conquer more. Yet the images of war are not always the trumpeting, flag-flying, fresh-faced recruits that they are painted...
Writing towards the end of the twentieth century, German literary scholar Hans Wagener reflects on the deep resonance of war literature, stating: “When we think about certain periods of history, epoch-making books come to mind that capture the spirit of those times most vividly”. Indeed,...
Ian McEwan’s controversial, macabre bildungsroman, ‘The Cement Garden’, and Arthur Miller’s Ibsen-inspired domestic tragedy, “All My Sons”, both profoundly explore societal and familial demands and expectations laid upon men in these epochs-1946 and 1978 respectively. Aristotle’s definition of an ideal protagonist is “a man who...
In Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, Larry is the youngest member of the Keller family who passed away in World War II. Although he does not appear on stage for the duration of the play, he is still considered to be one of the most...
Traditionally, drama has been an outlet for the extraordinary; only fairly recently with more modernist plays have the focus been shifted onto more ordinary lives. Greek tragedy follows the fall of a noble protagonist; by comparison, domestic tragedy as in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons...
” ‘If everybody minded their own business,’ the Duchess said, in a hoarse growl, ‘the world would go round a deal faster than it does’ ” (Carroll 62). Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique...
In the famously popular novel Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll expresses themes of chaos, fantasy, and violence, all of which raise important questions throughout the novel. However, in the many film adaptations of the story, some of these themes are lost or manipulated to create...
Charles Dodgson was a logical and analytical thinker, a man who liked finding and applying patterns both in his career and in his writing under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. One example of this tendency is how Carroll wrote the poems in Alice in Wonderland. Based...
In the children’s classic Peter Pan, by J.M. Barrie we are introduced to the concept of never growing up, embodied in the young title character. This refusal to grow was a result from denying his eventual responsibilities as an adult. Throughout the three novels Peter...
In Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, much of the sequence and dialogue seems chaotic and nonsensical, leaving the reader to interpret its meaning and purpose. Being that the entire story occurs within a dream, Carroll has the freedom to play with subconscious notions...
Lewis Carroll’s Adventures in Wonderland provides a physical removal from reality by creating a fantastical world and adventure in the mind of a young girl. In this separation, Carroll is able to bend the rules of the temporal world. Although this is self-evident in Alice’s...
Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland purposefully highlights the confusion of identity, including the distinction between adults and children, and poses important questions about childhood and growth. As the child reader explores this novel, they also explore the depths of their identity and as the...
At first glance, the poem Jabberwocky – as Charles Dodgson, a.k.a. Lewis Carroll, transcribed in Alice in Wonderland – appears to be pure unintelligible gibberish, a madman’s ravings about some unfathomable and inexplicable beast. It rambles about “vorpal blades” and “slithy toves”, “frumious Bandersnatches” and...
As a popular and widely loved novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland; and, Through the looking Glass and What Alice Found There has been translated to well over a hundred languages and is a household tale that most people have enjoyed in their childhood. With a...
Lewis Carroll’s classic story of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, tells the enchanting tale of a young Alice and the exciting journey she embarks on after falling down the rabbit hole. While on the surface it may appear as a pleasant children’s book filled with vibrant...