Emerging from World War II, was a 46 year conflict known as the Cold War. This war was again between the two most famous antagonists - the United States, and the Soviet Union. In February of 1945, the Yalta Conference took place. Instead of planning...
The Great Depression started from 1929 till 1941 where many of the US economy crash and many of the top wealthy people lose their money as 1/3 of the US economy is based on the richest 5 percent of Americans. Millions of the usual employed...
On October 24th, 1929, the great crash of the American stock market triggered an unprecedented economic crisis, which was quickly spread to the entire capitalist world. It was the deepest, longest, and the most widespread crisis in American history. At that time, the President of...
The 32nd President of the United States and serving the longest in American history, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) has been called a great leader, humanitarian, skilled politician, and self-confident. The American people were looking for help, hope and reaffirmation that the country would right itself...
It was all the rage, that famous and infamous New Deal. Created by then-president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it aimed at the revival of economy and expansion of labor—both of which had dwindled in the economic depression that plagued the United States in the late twenties...
Elected in 1933 during the great depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt was at the head of America during the country’s greatest crises. His mandate, which spanned twelve years, focused on protecting the country from totalitarian states and stabilizing the country’s economy. Following the 1929 krach, FDR...
Suffragette movement launched by British women is to fight for the voting right between 1897 and 1918. And Civil Rights movement in America led by African Americans aims to end racial segregation between 1950 and 1968. These two movements share the similar aim, gaining equal...
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “Manifest Destiny” is dened as “the 19th century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justied and inevitable” (Manifest). It’s easy to see how this thinking inuenced people and events of...
“The Bombing Of Pearl Harbor” was one of the most consequential battles during WWII. The attack was unexpected, this made it hard for America to fight back. It all began with planes, at the time the U.S was a neutral country, meaning that they were...
The Gilded Age proceeds to influence today’s society through social and financial issues, labor pressures, and as well Capitalism. Much of the destitution that exists is frequently overlooked due to the luxuries that are broadcasted on the news within the U.S. Instead of recognizing the...
Expectation as a result of war should be that of a positive outcome, however, that is not always the case. General Ulysses S. Grant imagined a perfect society, but this was probably more of his optimistic imagination rather than what was happening and would not...
In earlier times, it was a common trend for settlers to gain access to the Americans through the head-right system. At this time, indentured servitude was commonly mistaken for slavery, but this was far from the case because it was simply a contract between the...
The Dust Bowl is a documentary film by Ken Burns that utilizes interviews with moral witnesses of the event and their descendants to really highlight the emotional toll that disaster had on the citizens of the Great Plains. The film describes the Dust Bowl as...
People appear to be scared of things they don’t have knowledge of. Knowledge is what contributes to liberation. So once people understand their fears, they’re going to set them free in life. Freedom is the life slaves would like to experience. Living without anyone’s threat....
Throughout history women served one purpose, to be the watcher of the house and children. Especially in the U.S, due to being a newly founded country, women haven’t gotten the opportunity to enhance their political and social roles. Men in society have always been the...
Imagine what it would feel like to be thrown into a dungeon awaiting your death. Throughout history, groups of people have been persecuted just for being who they are, or who they are assumed to be. In the 1600’s, witch trials took place in Salem...
Throughout history slavery has been used to improve labor demands. Slavery has been illegal since 1865 when Congress passed the 13th ammendment abolishing slavery in the United States, but it is still used in today’s society in many forms. Before slavery became of use, Colonists...
The gilded age is referential to a period in the history of the United States of America. It occurred during the years ending the 19th century. It was characterized by bolstered growth of the economy with special focus in the north and the west of...
The Era of Reconstruction was based upon citizenship and equality. Reconstruction was a way that redefined African Americans place in Society. After the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation allowing all slaves to be free. The Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many...