Although women are not the faces we picture when we think of the people who pioneered America's Independence, they no doubt guided and provided a backbone for the men who get most of the credit. Behind almost every great man was a woman who was...
It is an obvious statement to make that not all experiences of the Depression were the same. The 1930’s are usually seen as a time of great suffering and poverty. In fact, an overview of the time in terms of economics shows a time of...
Following the end of the American Civil War as the institution of slavery collapsed and the tragic era began, former slaves reacted to the 13th amendment by seeking new economic opportunities. Many plantation owners pleaded for the return of their former slaves. One such former...
The American Museum of Natural History has many exhibits that demonstrate many aspects of anthropology. The Museum is located on Central Park West between W81st and W77nd streets. The museum is an excellent place to open oneself to many new ideas and cultures. When looking...
The American Revolution is one of the major events in US History because it led to the formation of the United States itself, but the causes of the war are crucial to understand. The thirteen colonies fought against Great Britain because the colonists wanted freedom,...
America the Great, as we know it today was built on the backs of african slave laborers for over two and half centuries. A deep wound that has been left opened for centuries due to racism, inequality,segregation and discrimination. Slavery was officially abolished in the...
The ancient times in the American history dates back to Before Present (BP), which means before 1950. Also, Before Christ (BC) dating method was used as well. The dating technique used to cover the then history is with the use of radiocarbon dating. The period...
In order to fully understand the entirety of the Mexican War, it is important to understand the concept of Manifest destiny. Manifest destiny was a term coined by John L. O’Sullivan in 1845. This term was “the latest justification for white settlers to take the...
Life is littered with a variety of obstacles that present a challenge to daily life. Thomas Paine once said, “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” The quote can be understood as, the bigger the obstacle one overcomes, the more satisfied and accomplished...
Throughout the past, oppression has been a part of Human relations, from the treatment of siblings to the enslavement of an entire race of people, to everything in between. This is empirically proven through the non-fictional autobiographies of two men; Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass,...
Since before the founding of the United States, the issue of white oppression against blacks has permeated American society. From the Three-fourths Clause in the Constitution to the American Civil War, from Reconstruction to the Double V Campaign, and to some extent even until today,...
Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr both had a vision of equality and freedom from oppression for the African-Americans during the 1950s to 1970s. Although sharing a vision, they differed in background, religion, and opinions whether racial inequality should be approached with active...
The Oregon Trail The Oregon Trail was a very important aspect in the history of our country s development. When Marcus and Narcissa Whitman made the first trip along the Oregon Trail, many Americans saw a window of opportunity. The Oregon Trail was the only...
The Great Plains Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay The Oregon Trail: A Historic Emigrant Route The Oregon Trail was an emigrant route in the United States...
In the year of 1830, a noted fur trader named William Sublette led the first wagons along a trail to the Rocky Mountains. For the next few decades, many emigrants to the west traveled this same trail, which came to be called The Oregon Trail....
Mark Twain, celebrated as one of America’s greatest humorists and literary figures, is often overshadowed by his fervent opposition to the Philippine-American War and his involvement with the Anti-Imperialist League. In 1910, the Anti-Imperialist League acknowledged Twain’s remarkable contributions, stating that he “employed in the...
Introduction The year 1898 marked a pivotal moment in history when the United States emerged victorious in the Spanish-American War, leading to the acquisition of territories such as Guam, Puerto Rico, and, significantly, the Philippines. As the debate raged on within the United States regarding...
The complex interplay of imperialism and its justifications has been a pervasive theme in literature, particularly during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. One prominent example is Rudyard Kipling’s poem “The White Man’s Burden,” which was written in the context of the United States’...
Al Capone Al Capone was born on January 17,1899 in Brooklyn New York Capone grew up in a rough neighborhood by the time he was eleven he was in two gangs one was the kids gang the brooklime rippers and the forty thieves juniors. Capone...