The English language is widely dispersed around the world because of the influence of the British Empire in the 18th century, and of the United States since the mid-20th century. English has become the leading language of international discourse. Also, it has become a lingua...
No one would have imagined that the American Civil War would turn into the deadliest war in American history. It was certifiably not a war in which people expected, but it was a war with the Confederate States (South) and the Union (North). The Civil...
The American War started in 1961 and ended in 1965. The effects of the war were severe, and the Americans had to correct its aftermath, and the period after the war has come to be known as the Reconstruction Era. It was followed by economic...
The American Dream was possible at a time, definitely at some point and time was achievable through hard work and perseverance. In this day and age, however, the American Dream is not possible. This is the case because of the history of our country and...
The American Dream is an idea that America gives the opportunity for anyone to succeed, however, success itself is defined by the individual. The accessibility of this idea that was once the pinnacle of living in America is being challenged, but should it be? The...
As different cultural groups immigrated to the United States, they seeked for a better life and future for their family. When they arrive to the United States, they encountered racial discrimination and segregation. As a way to voice their concerns, artists created paintings and murals...
Migration to a new country often embodies the pursuit of what is popularly known as the “American Dream.” This term, first popularized by historian James Truslow Adams in his 1931 book *Epic of America*, suggests that every individual should have the opportunity to achieve happiness,...
American Dream
American History
Immigration to America
In this century across the nation children of all backgrounds are experiencing at an early age discussion about race, gender equality, sexual orientation, religion, and different cultures it’s at the forefront of their everyday lives many people avoid this discussion because they fear that conversation...
Racial discrimination is a longstanding problem in the United States. Racism goes way back in time which begins with slavery and then the civil war follows on. After the war, the racist legacy of slavery would persist, which spurs the brave movements of resistance including...
California aka The Golden State is a region of human diversity and rich geography. There were many things that have shaped the history of the most populous of the United States. California was never perfect but was always doing what was best for the people....
According to Isenberg’s collection of primary sources from the gold rush era, the imposition of US power and culture on a newly conquered territory in California partially influenced Californian society, prominently shown through Californians’ efforts to prohibit slaves. However, Californian society was unique compared to...
When addressing the history of California and its cities, there are a handful of notable areas that stand out as some of the most prominent in the state. To most, these may include cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Oakland, and Berkeley, among...
Even before the Gold Rush craze, there were many people who moved to California in search of “a romantic vision of life, attracting more Americans who sought more than agricultural life and familial responsibilities.” The later findings of gold in early 1848 by James Marshall,...
Introduction Throughout history, gold has been discovered many times. It was discovered by not only the Egyptians but the Romans and the Greeks as well. However, never in history has there ever been a gold rush, because when gold was discovered, it was typically all...
Racism has a major impact on the Aborigines, and this is why they have a lower socioeconomic status and severely lower health to the rest of Australians. Therefore, something needs to be done now to remove racism from society. The United States Civil Rights movement...
Benedict Anderson was a historian and political scientist who is best known for his book “imagined community” published in 1983, he used this concept to explain and analyse nationalism. Nationalism refers to “the territorial expression of an identity”, this shared national identity promotes the belonging...
Police brutality against African Americans has been an egregious issue in the United States since the days of the Civil Rights Movement, with the campaigns in Birmingham in 1963-1964 and the marches in Selma being primary examples. In today’s society, police brutality has become one...
Americans listen to music 4.5 hours per day, so this is almost 32 hours per week (McIntyre, par. 2). A lot of Americans listen to music for different reasons. Some people listen to music to concentrate better, to make them feel better, or to relieve...
Introduction Throughout history, racial discrimination has been a persistent issue worldwide. The Stolen Generation of Australia is one of many atrocities in history. The group known as the ‘Stolen Generation’ comprises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were removed from their families without fair...